Weird reoccuring dreams


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I have this weird dream every so often, like once a month or something. Basically in this dream, for some reason despite being twenty five years old, finishing university/college and working full time... I have to go back to high school. In the dream I don't understand why, it sucks and it feels very stressful in the dream. Then, always just as I am about to wake up, I suddenly realise "Wait, I don't need to do this, I finished school a long time ago and I work now!" and then I wake up.

Anyone else here have any weird reoccurring dreams?
When I was in the middle of college, I had to switch majors midway in order to transfer schools. So while I was going to school without a major, I kept having recurring dreams where I'm trying to go somewhere but I'll get lost midway... always lost.
Master_Craig said:
"Wait, I don't need to do this, I finished school a long time ago and I work now!" and then I wake up.

Dude you're waking up at the best part! The realization! Next time try to remain calm and remain asleep. Once youre lucid dreaming then you can do whatever you want!
I haven't had reoccurring dreams (nightmares) since I was 5 or 6, but I have a few reoccurring themes for my dreams that pop up every now and then. The most common ones involve me breathing underwater, being thrown into the air and falling without getting hurt, and being naked in an empty room.
Master_Craig said:
I have to go back to high school.

I have a similar occurring dream, but instead of school it's army. After following the orders for a while I realize that I don't have to deal with this shit anymore.

Haven't had those in a long time. Haven't really had any memorable dreams lately. I blame myself for not sleeping enough.
UrbanMasque said:
Dude you're waking up at the best part! The realization! Next time try to remain calm and remain asleep. Once youre lucid dreaming then you can do whatever you want!

I've heard about "lucid dreaming", I've never actually tried it before but I've heard all about it from a friend of mine.

I -think- I've done lucid dreaming once. I don't know. Normally when I have dreams, I don't really feel like I'm in any "control", it feels like I'm watching the dream like a movie or something. Sometimes my dreams are "watched" from either a first person perspective, like my own vision, or sometimes I see myself from a third person perspective.

The closest thing to a lucid dream I've had... I remember having a dream where everything around me, the floor, walls, ceiling whatever was of a cloudy dark purple and black mix colour. It actually looked like a giant open space. I remember looking at my hand and it felt like I was in control, like... I could turn my hand, move my fingers etc. I was like "Holy crap, is this for real?" - and then I woke up. :P I have no idea how to just... remain asleep?

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