Question about Dreams ====>

Just what are Dreams made of???

  • Giggles and Whispers

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  • nevermind this was stupid

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Dreams are weird
What are dreams?

I left my tv on one night and I heard the television in my dreams.
[[That is not a lie.]]

Why is it I can get shot in my dreams but never die?
I'll live no matter what ((in my dreams only.))

Why can't I sleep with music on?
I always want to sing it ([even in my sleep??)]

I dreamt about this topic. So i made it.

ah yes. You've raised the bar once more C_C
I had a huge elaborate post answering all your questions and making you look like a total douchebag but you aren't worth my time to do it twice.. I posted it and it didn't go through and when I went back it was gone. It basicially explained that you're fucking retarded so I'm gonna be quick here.

You're fucking retarded.
Robmieser said:
I got suckered into typing a long post but it backfired in my face when it didn't post correctly. Only now do I realize the folly of my ways.

Well I could say you're f****** retarded for responding to this topic seriously with a HUGE ELABORATE post, but... haha, i can't.

If i can't take my own post seriously I have no idea how you could.


I aim to please

Edit: Could you please retype your long, elaborate message about how I'm f****** retarded and how you're not (for responding). I would love to read it.

Consider yourself sucked.
If you were really wanting to know about dreams, I took a couple classes about them. Basically, no one knows for sure, but everyone has an idea what they are. That is all I will say because this doesn't seem very serious.
NjNakedSnake said:
Uh, I don't have dreams. Is that normal?
You always have dreams. In fact, you have multiple dreams every night. Whether or not you recall these dreams is different. I usually can remember what i dream but sometimes i remember nothing. Now one thing i wish i could do was lucid dream! Man that would be the bomb. Can you say giving yourself wet dreams? HELLO.
I did a report on lucid dreams. Do you want to know the tips and tricks to becoming a lucid dreamer? Well too flippin bad for you. I need to master it first.
I only remember my dreams like max three times a month :(
When I do remember they are usually pretty cool, though.
i heard when you dream you leave your body. like, astral projection style. which is itself some freaky shit. master of astral projection would be sweeter than lucid dreaming, cause you can actually explore the world.

sick mommy burn btw :)
Sick mommy burn... really? Because I wasn't going to respond to that at all; I felt embarrassed for the both of us.
Though now I'm left worried and a little confused.. sick burn?.. damn am I out of touch.

Oh well. Props to you, Robmiester. Sure, it feels like I've been voted off Lord of the Flies island, but that's the nature of the beast.
Still, had this been a few years back, I'd have given you and your mother a fierce tongue-lashing. Your mother for sure, but nevermind that now, you can see where I'm going with this...

I'm outta the game, baby! no mas!

grandmagoodtimes said:
I did a report on lucid dreams. Do you want to know the tips and tricks to becoming a lucid dreamer? Well too flippin bad for you. I need to master it first.
Tell me asshole.
I'm going to assume you are either a woman or a homosexual if you offered and insisted on giving me a tongue lashing. Yeah I do know where you are going with that... no thanks dude. This topic needs a serious closing. All I see are closets opening, and you coming out of them. Props to YOU though, it takes a lot of guts I suppose, to be openly-willing to announce you are gay.

Chris_Crime: Still, had this been a few years back, I'd have given you and your mother a fierce tongue-lashing.
Rob, you suck at this. From mommy burns to gay remarks, you've shown you have the wit of a blind mongoloid, shouting moistfully every stupid sentence you manage to piece together.

You're boring, you're not funny at all, and if it weren't for my own comments, you'd have nothing original to say.

This is a no contest and now you've left me nonplussed with the matter on whole.

I got nothing out of this -- nothing. Everything you said had the snap of a wet noodle and I'll make chicken salad out of chicken s*** no more.

Put some labor intensive thought behind your next words and delegate your time at chunking homosexual comments and mommy burns towards your circle jerk. Sick burn? Oh, please.

All of that, plus I'd easily mop the gravel with your face. When it comes to you, both mentally and physically, I'm left without a prize.

I bet someone was impressed, but for me you're just not interesting enough.

I believe astral projection is possible. And just today I had a dream about Halo (dreamt I was playing *in* the game but knew I was being controlled by my third-party self outside the game). It was strange and it didn't last long, but I hardly ever dream about Halo so I thought I'd share.
You're stubborn, as I am. You like to have the last word on things and thats not a bad thing. But you are trying to outdo me in terms of wits and intelligence. No matter who you are, you don't look intelligent when you are arguing and whining like a baby, so stop making an embarassment of yourself. You honestly think you would mop the gravel with my face? I never called anything I said a burn. I've seen chumps like you come by all the time on here, and in life. You're just another one of those scumbags. As for someone who is as 'uninteresting' as myself, you seem to be highly focused on replying to everything I've replied to you with. If I were uninteresting you would let my posts be as they are. Fool.

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