Weird dreams!


I dont dream often, but when I do it is usually something really wacky and involves me fighting dinosaurs, or making cross-dimensional portals using the exhaust from jet engines. Occasionally I do have this dream where I am this woman in some ancient country. These are the most unsettling dreams to me because they are extremely realistic because I really am that woman for the duration of the dream. I wish I could remember her name, though. I want say it is Caismenah, Chamineh, or something like that. Anyway, here is the last one I had that I remember with the most detail, which is a dream I happened to have last night.

In the dream I found myself as young girl (probably around the age of 15, I think) in some hot and dry country. If I had to guess it was somewhere that was under Persian rule. I started the dream staining in line with a bunch of other girls in this somewhat nice building. While I didn't experience any of the events leading up to this point, I had a clear memory of my village being raided and having some mean looking dudes snatch up me and my friend.

In the building I saw my friend get pushed towards this old woman who looked at her and something like "Oh, she is perfect!" in some weird language that I somehow understood. The woman gave her some nice garments with expensive looking jewels all over it and told her to wear them.

I watched a few other girls go through the same process. Some were put into similar clothes, others where taken away without the nice clothes. Soon it became my turn. The old woman looked at me at a long time with a weird expression and gave me the same nice clothing she gave my friend. During the entire process I remember thinking "Why the hell am I a guy? I'm pretty sure I'm a guy! Why does this lady smell funny?" I got dressed up I overheard someone saying something about consorts and I assumed he was talking about us. I immediately thought "I'm a guy, what the hell? Am I going to be some king's play thing? What the hell is going on?" The idea of this being a dream never crossed my mind.

I skipped a few years in my dream till I was what I assume to be somewhere between the years between 18 and 20. I knew that I went some training that taught how to act proper, how to dance, how to entertain, and all that trash. Those memories were so full that I could tell you of many of the things that happened during those years, like the time where I ended up stealing some food because they forbade me to eat cause they thought I was getting too fat. My friend was determined to be the "Primary" or something like that because she was so pretty. She was elsewhere at the, off to make babies with the king (or whoever) I assumed. I still had yet to see the king but fully accepted our new lives. A war broke out and I ended up getting kidnapped... again, and became a slave at a brothel. My first client was some nasty rich fat dude and all I could think about was how I could get out of it and how I wished I was back at the palace or whatever. At this point I felt so much time has passed I fully believed I was this woman now. The dread I felt from the situation was overwhelming at the time. I remember thinking about being a virgin and how unpleasant the experience would be.

Thankfully I woke up before the nasty business happened. I woke up, confused and still anxious as hell because I truly thought I was that woman. I then realized that this was the real world and I got up and ate some delicious grapes. It was a bit unsettling how real that dream felt. I have no idea why my brain is creating the life of this woman (previous dreams I had was when she was older with children) but it needs to stop if it is going to make me have sex with fat dudes.

Have any of you guys had dreams like this that felt so real that it made you question your current reality when you woke up? Or what is the weirdest dream that you had that you would like to share?
I usually dream. Even though I normally do dream, I invested in a Remee sleep mask in order to try to help me lucid dream better.
It survived an accidental trip through the washer.

This dream though was before I had gotten my sleep mask.

My strangest dream was a dream in which I joined a cult. We were in a cave with dim lighting, standing in two single file lines to get to a table. As I was walking up to the table I met a girl in a golden shirt. My friend and I were the last ones in line. When we got to the front of the table we signed some kind of agreement and put a unknown liquid on our tongues.

The come up for the high immediately hit me.The feel of my perception completely changed to the point I could barely walk. Most peoples comeups made them lay on the floor which I did for a short while. (I remember this high very vividly. It was a high I have never experienced before in real life. Like my head was opening up into a giant space. I even remember the visual effects it had on my vision and the kind of water color/wispy edged around my vision.)

Once the come up was over everyone got up high, happy, giggly, and running around to different things in the cave. The girl in the golden dress found me and gave me a hug. We walked on over to what looked like a giant black and white hologram of a woman in a victorian dress. The girl in the golden shirt giggled and said "There are little people under that dress" Sure enough, when I looked back at the hologram the bottom on the woman's dressed opened up to show three little people as her legs.

Then I woke up. I will never forget that dream and how lucid it was. The dream in which I joined a cult, got high, met a girl in a golden dress, and watched a crazy hologram of a victorian women with three little people under her dress.
TLDR: Frozen wakes up from a dream about having sex with dudes and starts eating delicious grapes.

The brain is a weird thing. And it's crazy what it can cobble together. I haven't had a vivid dream in quite some time.
People i've met in my dreams: Bill Murray, Robert Downy Jr, Will Ferrell, Eddie Vedder, Zoey Deschenel, the cast of That 70's Show and Hideo Kojima.

You jelly?
That's pretty damn detailed, bacon. And Sourdeez, that's...kind of what I'd expect your dreams to be like anyway.

Most of my dreams are forgettable and indeed, unless something noteworthy happens in them, I usually don't remember after a few minutes or so after waking up.

I did have one a couple weeks ago that freaked me right the hell out. I was at a barbeque with my brother and dad. It was bright afternoon when all of a sudden it went dark as night and sky was deep purple color. A couple seconds later it was bright day again. We started hearing loud booming noises that seem to come from every direction, then the sky went purple again. That's when we noticed the sun was black. This kept repeating as we tried to figure out what was going on.

In my mind, I figured it was an unprecedented series of massive solar flares. My dad, brother and I, and a few others got into a nuclear fallout shelter to seek refuge just as the oceans started to evaporate and the surface of the planet began to burn. It was pretty unsettling.

Another I had a few years ago dealt with a very vivid dream of the moon falling to Earth after it was struck by a massive meteor. That one was just plain scary.
I quit using medical marijuana to pass a pre-employment drug test. I had been taking Melatonin for sleep. I react well to melatonin.

Then I tried taking valerian root with it to also help me sleep. Within two nights I had a nightmare that I was being tortured repeatedly, chained up in a basement. Doctors would come in to make sure I was still alive but wouldn't help me.

No more valerian root for me(According to the internet some people do get nightmares from it)

You got to meet Bill Fucking Murray!?!? My dreams are weird, Your dreams seem cool.

Your dream is interesting Paradox, Some people have a hard time with lighting in dreams. Like dark won't be dark.
I had a dream this last week that was pretty strange. In it, my parents were doing open kidney surgery on me while I was awake and lucid, because Angus from ACDC needed a kidney. When the transplant was complete, I became Angus. And then performed on stage as him. It was very strange, especially since I have no idea where that shit came from. Haven't listened to ACDC in months.

the night before that I had a dream that my house was infested with giant white mice that would come out of holes in the floor when your turned the lights off or looked away. When I noticed them, and saw them scurry back into the floor, I freaked out and told my mom, who informed me that she knew about them, and didn't care. Freaked me out, and then I woke up. No idea where this came from either, since I haven't seen a mouse in ages.
Sourdeez said:
You got to meet Bill Fucking Murray!?!? My dreams are weird, Your dreams seem cool.

It was awesome. But dreams are bittersweet because you wake up and realise none of it was real.
WickedLiquid said:
People i've met in my dreams: Bill Murray, Robert Downy Jr, Will Ferrell, Eddie Vedder, Zoey Deschenel, the cast of That 70's Show and Hideo Kojima.
You jelly?
I can only imagine what you did with the cast of That 70s Show. :wink:

Edit: I wish I could dream as much as some of you guys. If I do I never remember them. Maybe because I'm lucid as fuck from all my video game training. Every dream in the past 10 years I remember controlling all of my actions, and not really doing anything out of the ordinary, just like "whatever." Then I wake up.

However, normally when I dream I cannot speak. I don't know why, I'm just always silent. I remember having a dream where I was dying of thirst and couldn't ask for water, but by far my most vivid dream is one had repeatedly for years and years growing up. I'd be driving a car (first had this way before I ever got my license at 18 ) along 10th St where I use to live. 10th St intersects with the highway, and if you saw it from above it'd look like a big clover. I've always though of big looping junctions as kind of crazy, but in the dream I'd constantly crash. I never got the turn right. I'd run right into the divider, the barrier, launch off the hill the turn carved through. I'd be fiddling with the radio, talking to other people, racing with someone else, late for work. Always crash, always restart, always crash.

I have a lot of sex dreams with the girls I know in real life...not gonna lie.

Apart from that, I dont really dream.
I know my dreams are absolutely crazy, but I never think to remember them in the morning.

The weirdest thing though is when you're trying to remember a dream from before and can't remember if you had the dream last night, a week ago, or a year ago.
Just because its a dream why does it make it any less real?

Well according to the multiverse theory. Every idea and action affect the multiverse. So in a way your dreams are your perception experiencing other dimensions in the multiverse. Those dimensions are every bit as real as your "real dimension".

I remember once I quit using medical marijuana to appease a longterm girlfriend. I would dream myself in other dimensions medicating and getting high because it would be a way for my mind to experience medication without using it in my real dimension.

Most people believe that dreams are just random neuron firing.

Here is a cool video explaining how to imagine the 10th dimension. I always get a kick out of showing it to my friends.

My favorite theoretical physicist. Michio Kaku
From Universe to Multiverse

They sent me a wooden laser cut coin with that remee sleep mask. Its suppose to act like a sudo totem in your dreams.

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