We all love technology, but...

Technology has the power to improve our lives in ways we never thought possible even just a few years ago. But with that power also comes new ways to piss everybody off. What is the worst part about living in a high-tech, hyper-connected, wireless, high-speed, 24/7 instant gratification society?

I think the worst part is that nobody can ever be wrong about anything anymore. It used to be, if you were talking to someone, you could get away with saying something like "K2 is about 28,000 feet tall," but nowadays its a given that the person you are talking to will pull out their smartphone, open up Wikipedia and smugly declare "ACTUALLY, K2 is 28,251 feet tall. And that's 8,611 meters, in case you were wondering." And yet, with all this access to being right all the time, there is still a ton of misinformation floating around. For example: "Barack Obama is actually a Muslim who was born in Kenya." Can you imagine this rumor gaining traction with email and social media?

So, what do you hate about today's high-tech world? Awareness of things you don't care about and would never know anything about otherwise (Justin Bieber, Twilight, et. al.)? Desensitization to pornography? The word "crowdsourcing"? Let's hear it!
If you said "K2 is about 28,000 feet tall" and somebody replied "ACTUALLY, K2 is 28,251 feet tall" then that person can fuck off, regardless of where and how quickly they got their information. Only an asshole would feel the need to "correct" you by 251 feet. But I get your point.

The worst part about all the electronics in my house is easily the FFFUCKING CONSTANT HUMMING my dvr satellite receiver makes. I come into the living room early in the morning, totally dark house, just me and my thoughts. But then... I notice the humming. And then I can't un-notice it!
The only thing I don't like about technology is that it made people less sociable in public. People have their faces buried in their phones and wonder why they never meet new people.

There is also the fact that I waste way too much time on the internet sometimes, but I can't blame technology for that.
Cyber bullying/trolling is by far the worst part of the internet now. People think they can do whatever they want because they aren't doing it in person.
De-Ting said:
Cyber bullying/trolling is by far the worst part of the internet now. People think they can do whatever they want because they aren't doing it in person.
The biggest tragedy in that isn't that it's there, but the fact that people think this is a normal thing to expect. Call someone the F word in the street for doing a bad job, you'll head to the slammer. Online however, you are protected by your anonymity and people will "praise" you for it like you are Che Guevara or something.

The good news though, is that people online are slowly starting to get aware of why such acts is inhumane this past decade. Admitting the problem is always the first step. When will we get to step two?
Online Anonymity is more important than online bullying. Bullying is unfortunate but shouldn't be used to justify infringing on your ability to anonymously surf the web.
I hate bloggers. Everyone thinks they're a damn writer now. It's like facebook status updates a la "Look at my meal!" But worse. The only pro to blogs is that there are actually some good ones out there. But more often than not, its babbling bullshit. Like a quote in Contagion, "It's grafitti with puncuation".

Nowadays people are trying to become "famous" by the internet too, which bugs me. Cant tell you how many LP videos there are out there hoping they'll interest a cash cow.

This might just be me getting older, but I fucking hate people who are always on Facebook & Twitter etc. This girl at work has her face in Facebook chat fucking CONSTANTLY when the boss isnt looking. She once tapped my shoulder and went, "look at me here hahahahaha"...it was a picture of her sleeping drunk with a spoon balanced on her nose thanks to one of her drunken friends. I literally just replied, "I dont give a fuck!"
Matt, that's not very charming of you. LOL

But yeah, I loathe facebookers/twitheads who constantly update their lives every 10 minutes. I used to be really addicted to facebook back in 2007/2008 but I wouldn't be updating with what I was currently doing lol.

What I really hate about new technology, besides trolls and jerks in online games, are people using their cell phones during movies! People can't go 90 min - 2 hrs without sending a fucking text? Are we THAT ADD that we can't just wait till the movie is over.

This one chick actually made a phone call during a movie and I lost it.

I yelled "shut the fuck up you dumb bitch!" which got quite a few people laughing.
She then said, in a ghetto accent "EH-YO who said dat?"
To which I replied "oh gee was I distracting you? Sorry for destracting you during a MOVIE that people paid to watch like an ASSHOLE."
She then went onto suck her teeth and started saying she'd whoop my ass. Then others told her to STFU and eventually the theater joined mob mentality and everyone was telling her off.
THEN, she has the audacity to stand up and proclaim that she "don't care"
She was really fat and some guy yelled "you're takin up the whole screen". We all erupted in laughter and she walked out.

Proudest moment of my life.
MattAY said:
I hate bloggers. Everyone thinks they're a damn writer now. It's like facebook status updates a la "Look at my meal!" But worse. The only pro to blogs is that there are actually some good ones out there. But more often than not, its babbling bullshit. Like a quote in Contagion, "It's grafitti with puncuation".

Nowadays people are trying to become "famous" by the internet too, which bugs me. Cant tell you how many LP videos there are out there hoping they'll interest a cash cow.

Amen brother. I don't have the digits on my hands (or toes!) to count how people I've unfriended on facebook for cyberwhoring their talentless creations.

I suppose it's worth mentioning that perhaps the most pernicious aspect of technology is the proliferation of cyber crime, which is estimated to be a billion dollar industry. And this doesn't include the pirating of copyrighted materials, this is actual money that is illicitly taken from people's bank accounts.

MattAY said:
I hate bloggers. Everyone thinks they're a damn writer now. It's like facebook status updates a la "Look at my meal!" But worse. The only pro to blogs is that there are actually some good ones out there. But more often than not, its babbling bullshit.

Agreed. I also hate how having a website or followers "legitimizes" you. You're point of view is no more valid just because you have 1Million idiots who think like you.
I hate how people expect you to be constantly available and get mad at you if you don't answer the phone immediately no matter how insignificant their reason to call were.
I agree with pretty much all the points raised in this thread.

FrozenBacon, about social media. God damn that is annoying. I hate going out somewhere with friends and have half your friends on their phones, whether it's Facebook, texting etc. It's so rude.

De-Ting, about cyber bullying, completely agree. We've all seen how potentially bad cyber bullying can get, whether it's Facebook, Twitter etc.

MattAY - Funny you say the bloggers thing. I'm trying to start a webcomic by using a blog before moving to a "proper" website, but I see for sure where you're coming from. I can't stand people who take photos of their food and put it up on Facebook and I can't stand people who try and spam their own newsfeeds with their own rants and anger. And about people always being on Facebook? I agree. I once got into SO MUCH SHIT at work for checking my personal e-mail just after my lunch break. My boss was not happy. But then I see people in other departments, in plain sight and not giving a shit who looks - on Facebook. And nothing happens to them.

I think what bothers me the most about technology and social media, is people actually get upset over social media. Some people get shitty if you don't "like" their status or someone elses, some people get shitty if you de-friend them (despite the fact you may not know them very well at all, may not see or speak to them for months on end etc). I live in a small town, so I have so many people on my Facebook list I don't like, simply because it gets me out of trouble. Sad huh?
How about this: The internet has now become Serious Business. Such SRS BSNS that real-world news is pretty much just the internet. Turn on your local news and you'll hear something like

Today, Congress unanimously voted not to let the UN regulate the internet. Is this a good thing? Tell us on facebook. In local news, State Senator Derp resigned after racist comments he made at a closed door event went viral on youtube. And tragedy, when a local teen commits suicide after suffering at the hands of cyberbullies on facebook. And, you'll never guess who Nikki Minaj got in a twitter fight with! You'll hear all this and more in the coming hour!"
I really don't like GPS navigation devices in cars. For some reason I really value being aware of my surroundings and in control of where I'm going myself, rather than being guided.
kapow said:
I really don't like GPS navigation devices in cars. For some reason I really value being aware of my surroundings and in control of where I'm going myself, rather than being guided.
I just imagined you as a pirate, looking at a treasure map. But then, you disagreed with the map, tore it up, and immediately navigated straight into a cliff.

The new technology and innovation is like double edge sword. We can't deny from the cons of the latest technology. Social networking sites is making you socially isolated.
kapow said:
I really don't like GPS navigation devices in cars. For some reason I really value being aware of my surroundings and in control of where I'm going myself, rather than being guided.

I hate how dependent I've become of it at work. You need to be going all over the place in no time so it's easier than pull out the map. It leads to no brain driving and you never really memorize the places and streets you've been to which sucks in the long run.

I personally don't own a GPS system: It'll stay as a work thing.

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