High School Reunions


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So next year, 2015, people are planning a high school reunion for everyone who graduated at my school in the year of 2005. Everyone from that year is being invited, or at least those the organisers and their peers can get into contact with. It'll be a lot of people.

It's all the way next year in June/July which is ages away and a part of me doesn't want to go, but on the other hand I have very close friends (who I'm still friends with today and see regularly) who are going, so I'd love to hang out with them. The idea of a reunion makes me pretty nervous, especially in regards to people who I don't really want to say (it might be immature of me to say considering it was like ten years ago, but I'm talking about bullies and stuff). I have conflicting feelings - I don't want to see/speak to certain people, yet at the same time I am curious as to what they are up to today, ten years after school.

Have any of you guys been to your high school reunion? Were you nervous about it at all? Did you enjoy it if you went? Or did you not give any flying f***'s and not attend? :P
Have yet to go. Thanks to Facebook, I have been constantly reminded why I celebrated graduating high school so heartily.
That's a good call. I've got Facebook too and I have a lot of people on my friends list from school. We may not have necessarily been "friends", hell some of them were quite nasty to me in school, but they add me on Facebook simply because they knew me and I returned the add for some reason, trying to be "polite" I suppose.

Facebook pretty much tells me what a lot of them are up to, and of course it works both ways (they would most likely know what I'm doing). There's a lot of people who I remember from school who I ask myself - "should I add them on Facebook?", but they'll probably think I'm super weird.

I think if we weren't really friends to begin with, then we shouldn't be "friends" on Facebook.
My 10 year reunion required a flight back home for my wife and I. On top of that it was $150/person to get in and somehow that still didn't cover drinks. I don't drink but wonder what the money even went to . A bunch of people organized a reunion at the park and tripled the real reunion's attendance.
I was invited to my high school reunion. I said "fuck that" and threw my invitation in the garbage. High school was the worst time of my life and once I got to college things got immensely better.
Bretimus_v2 said:
My 10 year reunion required a flight back home for my wife and I. On top of that it was $150/person to get in and somehow that still didn't cover drinks. I don't drink but wonder what the money even went to . A bunch of people organized a reunion at the park and tripled the real reunion's attendance.

Geeze that's expensive. There's been no price announced for this particular reunion.

Wes said:
I was invited to my high school reunion. I said "fuck that" and threw my invitation in the garbage. High school was the worst time of my life and once I got to college things got immensely better.

Yeah man I didn't have a very good time in high school either. My life didn't really improve until I was about eighteen, but even then my life didn't get that much better until I was twenty one.

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