Top ten scariest games.

I don't like scary games. Well not at first at least. Once i get a weapon capable of killing easily i am fine. Thats why i was never able to beat silent hill 2... :(
madster111 said:
silent hill 4: the room is pretty scary

Yes, it really is scary that a guy can't figure out how to climb out of a second story open window to escape a twisted building.
I'm glad Resident Evil 4 didn't make the list. That game is not scary whatsoever.

In fact, the Las Plagas are more:
- ugh-ly
- nauseating
- disgusting
- annoying

than they are scary.

Longo_2_Guns, you'd like Resident Evil 4. In all my two run-throughs, I only encountered a situation where I couldn't shoot my way out three times. Twice was because I ran out of ammo and once because I didn't have the right gun part (the infrared scope).
When I was little (like 7 or so) the scariest game I ever played was Turok for PS1. Speaking of consoles, which console makes the most scariest games? Which one do y'all think?
Tyrranis said:
Longo_2_Guns, you'd like Resident Evil 4. In all my two run-throughs, I only encountered a situation where I couldn't shoot my way out three times. Twice was because I ran out of ammo and once because I didn't have the right gun part (the infrared scope).
I've already beaten it. Like 8 times. Even on hard. I thought the "IT" thing, the regenerators, the insects, and the part in the sewers with the fast guy were kinda scary.
Well when i still had Windows 95, I got Wolfenstein 3D and it'd always scare me when it was like dead silent and then someone started shooting me.. but what REALLY scared me was near the end, i opened this door and this HUGE guy with a HUGE gun said something really loud in like german and i thought i was going to die but i didnt. lol..

I was only like 10.
Longo_2_guns said:
I've already beaten it. Like 8 times. Even on hard. I thought the "IT" thing, the regenerators, the insects, and the part in the sewers with the fast guy were kinda scary.

Let me clarify a bit.

- Fight in a segmented suspended scaffolding
- Can't kill until you get out into the ringed area
- Shoot the green lights to open the sliders

- Tall suckers
- Spiked and non-spiked versions
- Shoot with rifle w/infrared scope at Las Plagas within body

- Insects, basically
- Captured Ashley once, final time Ashley captured by Salazar
- Fought in sewers as well
- Can go invisible

Fast guy in sewers
- Fought while waiting for lift
- Moves really fast
- Knock over liquid nitrogen tanks to slow down
I remember playing the ClockTower games for PS2. Not very scary, but I did find that the Crimson Butterfly series were scary, especially the second one.

Still not as bad as Silent Hill 2.
I can remember being four years old and playing Doom. I had nightmares about those ******* pinkies for weeks. While it's not that scary anymore, just those memories of the dark rooms....
Okay, this is very scary now. egamegold? STOP! Just fucking stop! Do we have to trademark our comments these days?

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