Japanese Top 100


http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?optio ... 1&Itemid=2

Just how much into RPGs can one nationality to be? Pretty much every top place is taken over by some basic RPG. And since so many sequels and whole series are listed, there has to be a whole fanboy-culture.

I'm not judging, but this amazes me: If I can't even bear to play through many of the games listed, so how can those games be popular picks somewhere? Guess I'm just used to the fact that here top-lists by the public are filled with bad games that just happen to have good advertisers...

And also: Machi, Tactics Ogre and others - I haven't seen a single review of these games and still they seem to be well liked. Are they really that good?
Ogre battle is really good, not to sure about Machi.

I am a bit amazed that FFX is number 1. At the very least FFVII should of been the top.
let me make this clear

japan has companies like square and nintendo

we have midway, who the fuck can recall midways last great hit
I dont think they even hasd a great hit....

they had some solid games, like Gauntlet 3D for aracdes, the old school wrestling games, Suffering is also pretty popular now a days, although that game has lost a lot of steam since ties that bind. Nothing outstanding though.
I'm such a Japanese gamer at heart. American stuff is so extremely stupid.

FFX at number one makes me feel so great! I no longer have to be oppressed by the FF VII or VIII lovers out there! :)

Midway was great with arcade-y sports games until...2002?
I admit that some of those titles are actually great. Still, I think it's odd that EVERY game of some titles get voted. Even titles like FF9 get more votes than any MGS-titles? I didn't think FF9 was a bad game at all, but Metal Gears are brilliant...

It just looks like Japanese are having a too limited range of games in their selection... I'm worried that no one has told them about titles like God of War or Shadow of Colossus. And while we seem to respect innovative Japanese games like Katamari Damacy, they don't seem to be as pumped up about them theirselves.

We must take care of our Japanese brothers out there and make sure they hear about other games than just RPGs!! Who's with me?! Gaming Revolution for Japanes markets is at hand!

...krhm, sorry
Icepick said:
let me make this clear

japan has companies like square and nintendo

we have midway, who the **** can recall midways last great hit

Japan has alot more then just Square Enix and Nintendo. What about Konami, Tecmo, Capcom, SCEI, and many others.

The US has Mircosoft, RockStar, and Rare.

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