Time to play


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It seems like these are the two camps

1. You play too many games.

2. You can't find time to play games.

Right now I'm definitely a #2.
I think I'm in #1. This has been a really long year, and obviously it's quite easy to find the time to play games, but now I can play whatever I want and I'm just exhausted.
#1 for me, but right now I'm getting paid to basically not work so I have a bunch of free time on my hands.
Woah woah woah, you missed number 3: cool guy who get it just right...thats me ;)
I don't play enough games, despite huge amounts of free time. I read too much and end up barely playing any of the games i want to. For example, i still have games on my computers that i haven't even played.
Yeah, I don't play as much as I could. Which might be good, I guess. I have free time, but I spend it doing a bunch of other things. Maybe that will change a bit, because I'm finding that I have to play on handhelds to get dedicated to playing things, and I do have a new one.
I'm intimidated by the scope of today's games. It's one thing to complete Banjo Kazooie 100%, it's another to do it in Skyrim.

So I just sit around, staring at my consoles, worried that I'll have to play that game, any game sooner or later. I don't really want to, because it's fucking depressing. I don't hold a candle to my former self. The old me wouldn't wash for weeks until every fucking music note, every jingo was found. Gotta play the red Super Mario World stages twice. no problem. That's what I'm all about.
But, wow. That one cave on Skyrim that leads to an underground city? The pitch black cave with the giant, glowing mushrooms? Yeah, i just turned my Xbox off and I haven't looked back since.

I went back to playing Resistance 2 co-op on PS3, where shit was simpler.
The answer is simple: buy a Nintendo console. At least i'd know I wouldn't be getting into anything too deep on a nintendo. Too bad the controllers look like they're made for 12 year olds and geriatricsOHWAIT.

Guess I'm in the middle of 1 and 2 as well. I want some fun, but some free time would be nice as well.
I'm in the same boat as OC. I feel like can't get into too complex games anymore. I used to love sandbox games, but now they feel like a chore and overwhelm.

Handheld and retro games usually keep to a certain simpleness so I've been enjoying them lately much more than any bigger release.
I know what you mean. My brother got me Persona 4 and I'm like "Thanks! I've been wanting to play this forever!" but I'm also dreading starting something so deep and demanding.
used44 said:
I know what you mean. My brother got me Persona 4 and I'm like "Thanks! I've been wanting to play this forever!" but I'm also dreading starting something so deep and demanding.
The nice thing with that is that you can hit the power switch on the vita and it saves your point no matter what. I think handheld games are the solution to this problem of "too intimidating".
danielrbischoff said:
used44 said:
I know what you mean. My brother got me Persona 4 and I'm like "Thanks! I've been wanting to play this forever!" but I'm also dreading starting something so deep and demanding.
The nice thing with that is that you can hit the power switch on the vita and it saves your point no matter what. I think handheld games are the solution to this problem of "too intimidating".

I agree with that. It just so much nicer to pull out your handheld before you go to sleep compared to setting up something on your pc or console.

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