This is probably beating a dead horse

But I didn't say that, icePRICK LOLOLOL. I said i didn't find it fun. And I don't suck, I got the hang of it pretty quick. Just like when it's fun to go on a waste-laying rampage, it's fun to not be too challenged just driving around relatively fast.
To be honest, used, I've got no idea how you're having such wide turning circles at slow speeds, I can easily turn round in three lanes and two lane roads only require minor adjustments.

What I find interesting is that most of the more respected sites are giving it perfect scores while the magazines and random sites are giving it 9.5s and stuff. Which is fine, but it's usually for some really petty reason. You have a game this immersive and incredible and thoroughly well done and complaining about the things these sites are complaining about seems a little silly. They've obviously spent enough time perfecting this game so that everything in the game is the way it is because that's the way it was meant to be. Such as the "icy" cars. Personally I see no problem.
StalfrosCC said:
If the way the cars handle is "perfected" then Rockstar employees obviously don't drive as a rule.

Of course not! Rockstar locks them up, and makes them slave over game-production until they can make a new GTA. How do you think they are so large and immerseful? They look at pictures of real city's, and watch lots of The Wire. Then make video games.
Oh, and back to the original question, to whoever is working on the GTA IV review, when do you think it'll be done?
The review hardly matters for much but archival purposes since most anyone that wanted the game have already bought it and most everyone else will be swayed by the ginormous waves of love already bestowed upon it...
That doesn't mean I don't want to still read it because I love the reviews on this site, they make me smile.
I just already bought it as well, so I doubt it'll make me send it back or buy it again.
I don't think the question is whether or not it will get an A or an A-. This game is so incredibly immersive and complete that even calling it a videogame doesn't seem to do it justice. It's an experience: that's all there is to it. It almost seems silly to go back to other games after this. And quite honestly it might be a little hard to unless it's a concept game like Patapon or Lumines or Super Smash Bros. Brawl (not really a concept game know....)

This game is beyond complete. Complete doesn't even begin to describe how thoroughly cooked and basted and seasoned it is.
Actually Lentium,

How much do you love GTA IV?
More than Life - 39% / 1039 Votes
More than "Special Time" with my signifigant other - 15% / 408 Votes
At least as much as my I love my mom - 21% / 544 Votes
I have no love for GTA IV - 25% / 655 Votes

It's about 75% love.
OutlawCaptain said:
I thought this thread was going to be about Eight Belles.

Oh god, nothing about that, the fact that it's the perfect omen for Hillrocks campaign was enough for me (crashing and burning and placing second).

To FCM and NESman: You guys are fanboys to the extreme, give it two weeks and the next piece of shiny material will be out to distract you from the woes of life.

Also, i doubt any rockstar employee knows how to hit a new york corner at 80 and make a sharp turn without crashing and dying, Lest they hired some gang members for research purposes.
StalfrosCC said:
sparky87 said:
Ya maybe, I just hate it when people call a game mecanic flawed when actually they just suck.

Wow... fanboy much?
Yes its true that I like GTA but that dosent mean I'm a fanboy, I know the game is flawed but I find nothing wrong with the driving. If this were about, lets say, mario galaxy and you said it's hard to run around and jump, I would have said the same thing, Don't call a game mecanic flawed just because your not good at it. I am not a fanboy, I give every game, system, a chance.

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