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Krowsnose said:
yea i took a grand tour of hyjal a while back... theyve got it now so you cant even get close to the gate in front of the istance, probablyt some way around it.
We dueled right outside of it, and i feared the guy into the instance :).
FallingEastward said:
Krowsnose said:
post your specs and ill give you an educated guess :p

According to the site I used:

Processor Intel Pentium 4 1800MHz
Display Card Intel(R) 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV
Memory 256MB
Operating System Microsoft Windows XP
Free Disk Space 25.78GB
Display Card Memory 8MB
Display Driver Version
DirectX Version 9.0c
Optical Drive CD/DVD
Sound Card SoundMAX Digital Audio

I'm not to technical but I'm pretty sure none of that is to good, but that's because our computer is a few years old and we've never upgraded.

You would really need to upgrade your RAM (memory), when I first started playing my PC was about the same as yours and the game ran, but it was TERRIBLE. I couldn't even enter major cities, which is almost essential. I would reccomend getting at least 1GB, which is only like $70 for some low-end stuff. Also, getting a decent video card would also do some good.
Yay! Took down Ragnaros today. Held nothing for this priest, but great to finally beat the firelord.
My guild has recently down rag and we have ventured into Blackwing lair!! and downed the first boss.. i always forget his name, i think it was razorgore?

pink powa! this is really my gear atm.... epic chest i just got from aq 20... its pretty good just gay as hell :p
Got Eye of Divinity on Sunday night, around 1 AM that night I had my Benediction.
This screenshot is from the Onyxia kill the following day. (and yes, I play a female priest...would gladly give her a sexchange, but at lvl 60 covered in epics, it's a bit late to reroll)

hell, i wished i made a female char.... didnt ya hear about the dude who made 1500g plus some great items from pretending to be a horny chick and forming in-game relationships with 7 people? :p
I made a female priest too :p, and it seems its true people help you more. Some lvl 42 warrior just helped me to all my Westfall quests :)

Since we're all posting pictures:

Priest(left), Tank Warrior(right), PvP Warrior(bottom)

I am doing this out of pure boredom.. :) these are neat little pictures of all of my chars with there levels!!! Whoo!!! all alliance are on Thundelord, Horde are on Laughing Skull and Arthas check em out! the 19 rogue and warrior are twinked for BG.. loads of fun, sorry if there too big and whatnot, but I'm SUPER bored






I'm playing on my computer, which has to run the game on the absolute lowest settings :( becuase my assfuck brother is hogging the family computer :(
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