The next Star Wars game:Grand or Bland

Do you think that kucas arts will use all the tools given to them?

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I was up late last night playing Star wars 2 the sith lords last night, and I thought, "is this as good as it's going to get." I mean if you think about it all star wars game's that involve jedi have very Similar story line's. I don't know about you guy's but i think it's time for somthing new for the star wars games plot wise. But what i'm actualy afraid of is the game play. I mean think about it we now have systems that can make this game great with all the tech. thats in them all they have to do is use it to the braking point.
I think that they can make another Star Wars game probably better than the rest they have made. I mean they have all gotten better the more they made.
It seems that your prayers have been answered guys. Not only is this game going to have a diffrent story line, but the have a new physics engine called Euphoria and a Mass morphing engine. Now if you look at the capabilities of both theese things combined than it might be truely stellar. IF they can use them to their true potential. Also I am pumped about using the force to its full capability. Keep your fingers crossed!
Navy_Seal. Stop with the one-word posts. If you can't think of anything better to say, don't post.
If it is as good as KotOR or Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast, then us Star Wars fans will be in for a treat.
I wouldn't mind an action adventure game in the form of jedi academy. The light saber fights in that game were unreal.
First off, KOTOR2 is a train wreck so, no, that isn't as good as it'll get.

BioWare has another Star Wars game in the works, so I'm sure that'll be enjoyable. Rumor has it, it'll be an MMO, which should be interesting.

I'm remaining skeptical about The Force Unleashed. The Euphoria engine is impressive, as seen in GTA4's drunken stumbling and pedestrian plowing, but it takes a lot more than fancy ragdolling to make a good game. Given that this will be LucasArts' last in house game, I can't see any reason to get too pumped for it. I mean, if it was truly awesome, bankably awesome, wouldn't they have waited to see the sales figures before calling it quits?

Just musings, but that's how I sees it.
We're talking about Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, right? >_>

Well, I have mixed views about it, myself. On one hand, I'm looking forward to it, and it could be a great game, but on the other hand, it could turn out to be an overly hyped disappointment.

For the PS3 and X-Box 360 consoles, I'm assuming these will be the best versions. The Euphoria engine, Digital Molecular Manner, and Havoc engine all seem to work very well together. I like the idea of "bio mechanical AI" as they've dubbed it (Euphoria), but to be fair that's just super fancy rag doll physics. I like the idea of stuff breaking and destroying realistically (Digital Molecular Manner), and I like realistic physics (Havoc).

I'm a Star Wars fan, into the whole Star Wars "canon" and stuff. At first I seemed very skeptical about the Force "Unleashed", like.. using it to do all sorts of crazy destructive stuff, but now I'm looking forward to it greatly.. but at the same time, I just fear it as well. As I've said before, it could be a huge disappointment.

The overall plot sounds pretty good, but I'm not sure how it will end.. I can assume, though.

In all honesty, I believe that the Wii version may be the biggest let down.. sure, the Wii motion control scheme sounds promising but I have a feeling it will do what most third party developers of Nintendo do - stuff it up. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but yeah.

As low as this may sound, when The Force Unleashed comes out, I'm going to wait out on reviews for it, or at the very least look it up on Wikipedia and check out the general reception of it.
i also think that star wars the force unleashed sound pretty good, also i cannot wait until star wars battlefront 3 comes out although i'm not sure when it will be coming out.

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