The human centipede... WTF?

"I am going to tie your head to his ass so you literally have to eat shit! lolololololol!"

This is seriously stupid. The director should be shot.
Apparently he got the idea when he was joking around with his friends about what should happen to pedophiles. He suggested the offender has his mouth sewn to the ass of a "fat, sweaty, trucker" or some such. Apparently he's focusing on the terror and panic the individuals feel a lot more than the actual procedure and torture....Which, you know, I'd totally be down with if the movie didn't involve a human centipede.
Trippysmurf said:
Its a stupid "horror" movie with a gross out plot designed to be gross and scary.

I, for one, will be staying clear of it, because I think its sounds more retarded than a Sarah Palin speech.

Couldn't have said it better myself
what the **** ? i swear they don't make scary movies like they used too :/
every time i go to one i end up cracking a smile through out the movie.
I've seen bits of this. It's not really that graphic, it runs on the whole idea of letting the viewers' imagination do the work. The ending's pretty damn depressing and yeah, there's already a part two (though given the ending I don't get how it could be linked by anything but the gruesome premise). Apparently the sequel's going to have a centipede of 12 people. I'm willing to believe the three person centipede is surgically viable (apparently a surgeon figured out the process and said they could survive for years if the back two were supplemented by IV) but 12? Nah, even three is a disgusting stretch.

Also, probably best to avoid that surgeon if you need anything done.

So I saw the movie because my morbid curiosity got the best of me.

It was still kind of disgusting in many ways, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be....

The acting is decent, the plot is kind of silly but also a bit chilling if there is a "mad scientist" style dude out there abducting people from foreign countries to make a human freak, and overall, it was a well made film....

I don't recommend it, but I can't really say it's horrible. It's not needed, yes, and the premise alone is terrible, but the movie itself was well made.
I think it's an intentional B-movie. If it is, looks great for what it is. If it isn't then it just looks fucking stupid.

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