Each console have their fanboys. why does Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360 fans feels the need to bash another console to justify their purchase? It's getting annoying in the end.
Why don't everyone just relax and play the game they love on the console they play?
I played all next gen console (but I only own 2 of them) and I find them ALL to be extremely fun! Heck, even my PS2 still got some awesome game now and coming out and I AM LOVING IT!
Each console got some great points.
The wii got what I call the ''tilt'' factor. The little something that draw you towards a system and make you say: ''It ain't the most beautiful, it ain't the 1337 graphics everyone seems to care about but it's fun!!!'' Sure, third party compagnies are scared to publish games on this console and I don't believe the rubbish that is spraying around saying third party devellopers feels abandonned by Nintendo. If I had produced crap games like they did and expect people to buy them because the wii is popular, I would understand why Nintendo would abandon me!
The Wii is really underestimated. Yes, first party devellopers games are perhaps the only games that have a chance right now (though some notable efforts have been seen on the wii but not so well received) but I really think that with a little effort, we may see great things coming to the wii.
The Xbox 360 is the all around system (ironic...that used to be the PS2 ground) FOR ME. No one can argue with the choice of games on the system. I found myself suprised to find more RPG on the 360 than on the PS3 actually. Yeah, it issaturated with FPS game (that I'm not very fond of) but PS3 is just the same for now. PS3 might pop up more RPG in the future but there don't seem to be many coming FF13 aside.....and I hate where the final fantasy franchise is going. Milking FF7 and takings ideas straight from it get old (FF13 is a tribute to 7.... Square Enix said it itself). I used to think FF7 was great but I guess I am getting fed up.
The xbox 360 got a reliability issue, not one can save Microsoft on that one. They made a gamble and they lost. However, I am suprised that Microsoft agrred to extend the warranty to 3 full years. It is a loss for them but it shows something that I find admirable.... it is an actual apologize of some sort. When my first PS2 died on me after 2 month of use, the shop and Sony told me to go ***** myself. I don't think Sony would have never apologized nor extended the warranty though I maybe wrong and it would be unfair to judge them on the matter.
Nevertheless, it is hard to forgive a console with such a high failure. Nevertheless, I really think the new model (forgot the name..... motherboard name was falcon something) will solve the RROD problem. To those who wonder if they have that model. Look at the back of the Xbox 360 Premium and search for an HDMI port. If you have one, you should be allright.
Also, I don't agree the fact Microsoft is making people pay for xbox live though I have to agree it is user friendly and fun to play. It is ok to pay for a service if it is not overpriced. That way, you can get a better service and reliability but I think xbox live might be a little too pricy.
Microsoft, did a poor engineering job for the RROD but other peices of hardware are hidden wonder. Their 3 CPU are easy to exploit, develloping is simple and coding are easy to exploit by devellopers.
The PS3 is a mystery for me. That console is da bomb. No doubt about it. I wondered many times if I should buy it or wait. I chose to wait. I looked at the exclusive that are coming.... Didn't impressed me much. Ratchet and Clank is funny and is beautiful but it just don't pick my interest. Playstation network is a GREAT thing (free online, WOOT!) but I don't play online often (Girlfriend won't let me, she knows me too well
). HOme that is coming looks an awesome place too, like a giant myspace or facebook but I hate those (but a lot of people do!!!) Final Fantasy lost all interest for me after 12.....that was the last nail in the coffin or so they say. White Knight looks promising but I don't like the ambiance (look it up on gametrailers! If this is your kind of game, get it). MGS4 is a given but I won't buy the PS3 for only this. God of war and Devil may cry were fun but they sure did not hook me up. As for FPS, I love them casually.
Those are all recurring franchise that were on the PS2 but I don't want the same old franchise over and over again.Some sequel, it's fine but I don't wanna follow them until the end of my life (see FF for that). This is my PERSONAL taste. I want new stuff and 360 seems to be heading that way. Nevertheless, if you love HD movies, love high technology and crave for the series I mentionned above, this is the perfect system for you! PS3 is a beast sleeping and waiting to be awaken...or so I like to think.
Also another thing I am sick of hearing about is technology. Don't get me wrong, I am an IT admin for an hospital and I love to talk about specs for computers and consoles....but some common knowledge can be wrong. Let me show you an example: one of the most commonly used. Xbox 360 got 3 CPU while PS3 got 8. Do you know what happens when you get more CPU? THe general opinion is more power and it is half right. However, the more cores (CPU) ? You have more the tasks that can be divided equally at the same time....BUT the power is equally divided as well. Which means, you can do more things successfully at the same time but with "normally" less efficiency. That's why the BUS power is important but I'll explain it another day. We did test on a quadcore and dual core to see if it is true and the results were suprising. Quadcore gives you an edge on some levels but the Dual own on others.
Does that mean the PS3 is useless? Absolutly not, the PS3 still got an advantage there as gaming requires many thread (threads for queries, threads for animation, threads for effetcs ect) and we can be sure to see incredible effects in PS3 games and complex animation work in the future that the Xbox 360 will not abe able to do withouth sacrificing something.....still, if the game is all show and no content...what's the point? (Heavenly sword, I am looking at you).
The blueray is nice. It do hold more space on a disc but that doesn't necessarily means better graphics. Indeed, it means levels can be bigger, having more contents and more cutscene which hold promise. However, cutscenes seems to be longer with higher details so games often have the same lifetime than games on plain old DVD. Don't base all the futur on the blueray.
Take an example, Oblivion. 4 cds or 1 Dvd........and same games. Same logic applies to blueray.
As you noticed I didn't bother on price tag. Why? Because, in the end it really doesn't matter. As one of my friend said: "I will go where the games are and never look back!" The point I am trying to say is: people seems to focus on the less important things like technology and price tag. Hraphics are nice but not everything. Hell, I find Mario Galaxy and SSBB to be beautiful even though they are not high definition! I don't even see the need for HD. I see the difference between normal and HD but for me it's more luxuary then anything else.
The hardware is some kind of car and the games are his fuel......without fuel, your car is useless.
I will finish this awfully long post by saying this. Whatever the console(s) you choose. Don't regret it and there is no need to bash another system. Just find something that suits your needs. Wii/PS3/Xbox 360 are all excellent choices and bargain for their respective price. There is no need to bash another console because of said tehcnology or price tag. Enjoy what you have.
Game on!
(I might be wrong on some aspect of my post as I am unfortunatly, not all mighty yet. Correct me if I am wrong our feel free to disagree with me but please, don't start another fanboy just ain't necessary).
Why don't everyone just relax and play the game they love on the console they play?
I played all next gen console (but I only own 2 of them) and I find them ALL to be extremely fun! Heck, even my PS2 still got some awesome game now and coming out and I AM LOVING IT!
Each console got some great points.
The wii got what I call the ''tilt'' factor. The little something that draw you towards a system and make you say: ''It ain't the most beautiful, it ain't the 1337 graphics everyone seems to care about but it's fun!!!'' Sure, third party compagnies are scared to publish games on this console and I don't believe the rubbish that is spraying around saying third party devellopers feels abandonned by Nintendo. If I had produced crap games like they did and expect people to buy them because the wii is popular, I would understand why Nintendo would abandon me!
The Wii is really underestimated. Yes, first party devellopers games are perhaps the only games that have a chance right now (though some notable efforts have been seen on the wii but not so well received) but I really think that with a little effort, we may see great things coming to the wii.
The Xbox 360 is the all around system (ironic...that used to be the PS2 ground) FOR ME. No one can argue with the choice of games on the system. I found myself suprised to find more RPG on the 360 than on the PS3 actually. Yeah, it issaturated with FPS game (that I'm not very fond of) but PS3 is just the same for now. PS3 might pop up more RPG in the future but there don't seem to be many coming FF13 aside.....and I hate where the final fantasy franchise is going. Milking FF7 and takings ideas straight from it get old (FF13 is a tribute to 7.... Square Enix said it itself). I used to think FF7 was great but I guess I am getting fed up.
The xbox 360 got a reliability issue, not one can save Microsoft on that one. They made a gamble and they lost. However, I am suprised that Microsoft agrred to extend the warranty to 3 full years. It is a loss for them but it shows something that I find admirable.... it is an actual apologize of some sort. When my first PS2 died on me after 2 month of use, the shop and Sony told me to go ***** myself. I don't think Sony would have never apologized nor extended the warranty though I maybe wrong and it would be unfair to judge them on the matter.
Nevertheless, it is hard to forgive a console with such a high failure. Nevertheless, I really think the new model (forgot the name..... motherboard name was falcon something) will solve the RROD problem. To those who wonder if they have that model. Look at the back of the Xbox 360 Premium and search for an HDMI port. If you have one, you should be allright.
Also, I don't agree the fact Microsoft is making people pay for xbox live though I have to agree it is user friendly and fun to play. It is ok to pay for a service if it is not overpriced. That way, you can get a better service and reliability but I think xbox live might be a little too pricy.
Microsoft, did a poor engineering job for the RROD but other peices of hardware are hidden wonder. Their 3 CPU are easy to exploit, develloping is simple and coding are easy to exploit by devellopers.
The PS3 is a mystery for me. That console is da bomb. No doubt about it. I wondered many times if I should buy it or wait. I chose to wait. I looked at the exclusive that are coming.... Didn't impressed me much. Ratchet and Clank is funny and is beautiful but it just don't pick my interest. Playstation network is a GREAT thing (free online, WOOT!) but I don't play online often (Girlfriend won't let me, she knows me too well

Those are all recurring franchise that were on the PS2 but I don't want the same old franchise over and over again.Some sequel, it's fine but I don't wanna follow them until the end of my life (see FF for that). This is my PERSONAL taste. I want new stuff and 360 seems to be heading that way. Nevertheless, if you love HD movies, love high technology and crave for the series I mentionned above, this is the perfect system for you! PS3 is a beast sleeping and waiting to be awaken...or so I like to think.
Also another thing I am sick of hearing about is technology. Don't get me wrong, I am an IT admin for an hospital and I love to talk about specs for computers and consoles....but some common knowledge can be wrong. Let me show you an example: one of the most commonly used. Xbox 360 got 3 CPU while PS3 got 8. Do you know what happens when you get more CPU? THe general opinion is more power and it is half right. However, the more cores (CPU) ? You have more the tasks that can be divided equally at the same time....BUT the power is equally divided as well. Which means, you can do more things successfully at the same time but with "normally" less efficiency. That's why the BUS power is important but I'll explain it another day. We did test on a quadcore and dual core to see if it is true and the results were suprising. Quadcore gives you an edge on some levels but the Dual own on others.
Does that mean the PS3 is useless? Absolutly not, the PS3 still got an advantage there as gaming requires many thread (threads for queries, threads for animation, threads for effetcs ect) and we can be sure to see incredible effects in PS3 games and complex animation work in the future that the Xbox 360 will not abe able to do withouth sacrificing something.....still, if the game is all show and no content...what's the point? (Heavenly sword, I am looking at you).
The blueray is nice. It do hold more space on a disc but that doesn't necessarily means better graphics. Indeed, it means levels can be bigger, having more contents and more cutscene which hold promise. However, cutscenes seems to be longer with higher details so games often have the same lifetime than games on plain old DVD. Don't base all the futur on the blueray.
Take an example, Oblivion. 4 cds or 1 Dvd........and same games. Same logic applies to blueray.
As you noticed I didn't bother on price tag. Why? Because, in the end it really doesn't matter. As one of my friend said: "I will go where the games are and never look back!" The point I am trying to say is: people seems to focus on the less important things like technology and price tag. Hraphics are nice but not everything. Hell, I find Mario Galaxy and SSBB to be beautiful even though they are not high definition! I don't even see the need for HD. I see the difference between normal and HD but for me it's more luxuary then anything else.
The hardware is some kind of car and the games are his fuel......without fuel, your car is useless.
I will finish this awfully long post by saying this. Whatever the console(s) you choose. Don't regret it and there is no need to bash another system. Just find something that suits your needs. Wii/PS3/Xbox 360 are all excellent choices and bargain for their respective price. There is no need to bash another console because of said tehcnology or price tag. Enjoy what you have.
Game on!
(I might be wrong on some aspect of my post as I am unfortunatly, not all mighty yet. Correct me if I am wrong our feel free to disagree with me but please, don't start another fanboy just ain't necessary).