The 5th Annual GR Showdown - The Bracket


Alright, it's about that time of the year again, so let's get it going! In years past, GR has played host to a showdown. Dozens, sometimes hundreds of games entered. They would be slowly eliminated over months and months until we were left with just one. That one would be named champion. In 2002, Half Life won. In 2003, Grand Theft Auto III took it home. 2004, Final Fantasy VII pulled a fantastic comeback. Then last year, Metal Gear Solid finally got it's win. Now, we're ready for what will be the 2006 GR Showdown.

In previous years, nominations have been a two week long topic in which everyone would nominate X amount of games, and we would roll with every game nominated. This year, we will use a 64 game bracket to run the contest with, created with the GR's top 100 favorite games list. It will be quicker and more interesting. I've posted it once or twice, but here it is again. ... %20Bracket

Now, over the next two weeks (deadline 12/31/05 12 AM) you can submit a prediction ballot for how you think the contest will go. There will be no prize except the knowledge that you rule. You can check each match for some notes I wrote about each game and match.

I think that's about it, contest will start January 1st.
I was not that impressed...

I guess because the framerate dipped on me numerous times, and the platforming stuff seemed out of place. The combat was cool, and the graphics looked nice, when the framerate didn't go wonky on me. That's me though.
RE 4 was good on the cube, god of war was good on PS2, but I think Psychonauts and Shadow of the Collosus were better than God of War.

The framerate dipped because my PS2 is ancient, one of the first ones made, I need a new one

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