That bitch at Gamestop

So the other day I walk into gamestop and i'm there to check out some games and sell some. I go up to the counter and there's this overweight chick who starts giving me a bad attitude when Im trying to sell my games. Then she starts asking me a bunch of questions like "what's my street adress blah blah blah I'm like wtf I'm just trying to sell a game NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Anyways I was just wondering if anyone else has ever had a past experience with a game seller.
I worked at the store before, she was doing her job basically. If it was an attitude problem, then she needs to relax it sounds like to me at least.
I usually don't sell back any of my games anymore, because the profits that GameStop earns don't go back to developers, who in my opinion deserve more of the money than the retail establishment. But I think she had the right to ask for your address as it was standard procedure, and that you had the right to get pissed off if she gave you an attitude. From what you say, I think she could have handled the situation better.
I tend to avoid my local gaming stores. The guys in them are so nerdy that it makes me feel uncomfortable. I think one of the dudes creamed his pants when he saw me buying a used copy of FFVII and wouldn't stfu about it.
^eBay that shit!

Yeah, I have more problems with the customers in game shops than I do with the clerks.
I don't get rude people, I usually get the sudo fruity guys who look like they do cosplay. You know, the guys who will talk your fucking ear off if you ask them a question, especially if it pertains to something they like...
The dudes with.....[shutters at the thought]....ponytails.
i use to know this one dde wo sold games owned his own shop he was pretty cool tbh.dont know what ever happened to him though.
Yeah they always ask for an address and a name and such, it's the regular proceedure.If the chick had an attitude problem it probably was cause of something else.
we dont got a gamestop near here only a gamecrazy and EB games.but they ask me the same thing up at gamecrazy my address.
Too many stores ask for addresses today. Where's the privacy?! What do you need out of me other than the money for the product I'm purchasing?

Next time you're asked for anything other than payment for your purchase, RESIST! STAND UP TO THE MAN TRYING TO INFILTRATE YOUR EVERY WAKING MOMENT!
thats what got me banned from EB game.well that and trying to get an early copy of assassins creed.i know they have them damn it.

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