T4C topic: archive worthy?

To archive with it?

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Mala, you no doubt would have complained if I had deleted the guilty posts anyway. However you slice it I closed an inactive topic, as it was inactive it's hardly a great loss for the boards so live with it.

mC, I see what you're saying but actually agree with mala that it serves to remind us that GR stands for its beliefs, having said that if any GMs ask for it to be removed I'll do so.

Ahh right, pulling the "you'd complain anyway" card. Egregiously cringe-worthy. I'm afraid that's already negated by the fact you just recently closed two resurrected posts that I haven't complained about at all. If it wasn't a great loss to the boards, it wouldn't be considered to be going into a sparsely populated forum for memorable topics.
It's not a great loss to the active boards because it's no longer an active topic, just as the showdowns were no longer active and the post your pictures topic was closed after pages of spam. As JCD said, if you care about it so much then make a new topic but I can't see how you're arguing that a topic dead for what was knocking on a month shouldn't have been closed when resurrected for spam purposes.

Because with the deletion of the spam, if that was the problem, there'd be no reason to. It could have just as easily re-sparked intelligent discussion as spam, and the fact one of them is so prevalent in your minds is a bit insulting to the populous, I think. That's why, as I've already said. I don't really care about the topic itself, but just hope you see my side of the coin, and this kind of heavy handedness wont become a trend.
Ok fine I do see your point but I think you're misunderstanding my intentions here. That topic was dead, I'm not saying there's nothing left to say about T4C because let's face it, they never fail to amuse/shock, but the topic itself was going nowhere so if you or anyone else feels the need to make a topic along the same lines again then go for it. I'm not underestimating the population's intelligence or ability to make or contribute to worthwhile topics.

This is obviously awesome if it is archive. First of all, it was my topic to begin with. Secondly, I was the first one to introduce GR to T4C so I'm all for it being achieved.

It's not like we can't make new topics about teen 4 christ, when hilarity ensues.
JCD said:
It would only mean more work for maca and the misc mods if they had to keep checking that topic for spam every time a new post was made.
Uh, that's what moderators are supposed to do.. check threads for spam. In fact, that's what you're supposed to do for EVERY thread; how else will you know spam exists unless you look for it? I know you're new at this, but this should be common sense.

What you're suggesting is that every time someone posts spam in a legitimate thread, you're just supposed to abandon all hope and close it, then begin discussion all over again in a totally new thread. That makes no sense at all. You CAN delete individual replies, so why not just remove the spam (if it's worthy of being deleted) and let the thread continue.

It's like saying if a friend spills something on your car seat, you're suppose to drive your car to the junk yard and buy a totally new one. Overkill.
yes, it was fitting.

*spooky de ja vu, as if you have heard this before...*

I do think there *may* be a bit of new boys with new toys syndrome coming into play here... :P
Good god this is like a preschool. MC, obviously a moderator must check all topics for spam, that is common sense and I applaud you being observant enough to realize that, but my point is that a moderator should not have to constantly check back on a topic that they know is going to be filled with spam (which the T4C topic would have been) and have to delete a whole load of posts, it should just be locked. Also, I believe you are taking this out of context. It would indeed be retarded to delete or lock a topic just over a few spam posts, but the topic in question was old and unused. There was nothing more to add to it, everything had already been said. I guess what I should say is just stop complaining and deal with it. I can't believe how quickly people can complain over small, ridiculous stuff. Make a new topic for christ sake, move on.

And in future I would appreciate if you wouldn't be such a dick when making a point.
JCD said:
I guess what I should say is just stop complaining and deal with it.

lmao. I'm afraid the only way this is like a pre school is in that both masterchris and myself have done what youre doing a long time ago, and still moderate a lot more actively chat side every day, all the time. We also get constant complaints. Always have, always will. It's part of moderating, so get used to it. Another part is actually listening, so get on that too.

I implore people never to 'stop complaining and deal with it' if they have a point to make or something to stick up for, and that's exactly the ethos of tno's joke of a moderating policy was founded on.

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