Spring Break...woooooooo!!!


So tired.
When I was young and single, there was a magic week. A week of freedom that didn't coincide with the end of a term. I knew it as Spring Break. Spring Break continues to be magic. Once a year, my wife takes the kids to her parents' home and I stay at home to work (boo). It's actually a rough week. For all the griping about "needing kid-free time", I don't need it. My mental stability is now somehow buffered by having people to come home to, stories to listen to, hijinx and mayhem to nip in the bud, etc. So with them gone, how do I fill the void?

Video game nights! That's right, this is the extent of my raucousity (it's a word...I made it). My house, food, Hot Shots Golf, Mortal Kombat, merriment for all. You're invited...well, kinda.

So how is everyone spending Spring Break?
I took a week off from work and went down to Port Aransus with the GF for spring break. We spent the days on the beach and the nights playing pokemon haha. Got a pretty good sunburn but other than that it was a really good time.
You have us to come home to, right? Pretty much the same.

I don't have Spring Break. Not that I'm taking classes anyway, but my school has a "reading break" sometime in February. Most of my friends who get Spring Break already had theirs in the last week or two.

In recognition of your break, though, I will continue to fight this cold/flu monster (I have a choir concert upcoming... sinking feelings), and also cycle through all my gb games. With hot pockets and freezies, or something. Nachos and grape juice? French fries and iced tea? Cookies and milk?
Errr, it's called "Easter Break" fools!

Well we get Friday and Monday off for bank hooliday this weekend, and I'm going to Leeds (4 hour drive north) to see Orbital live, followed by a night out there. Then I'm seeing my lady friend in Manchester (1 hour train from Leeds) until I go home on Monday!

Sad thing is, I had my wisdom tooth surgically removed yesterday so I'm on antibiotics, meaning...I cant drink :'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''(
I could care less to relive most of the experiences of adolecence, but Spring Break is magic. Pure magic.

And of course, my uni didn't have it. No Spring Break since 2000. :(
Well since my Spring was about 3 weeks ago I just went back home to hang with some old friends its weird to go back and see how much people change, such as one of my best friends throughout elementary school until college was awesome but now he is just a giant tool, like that god awful show called Jersey Shore, and is going to jail for being one strange how life changes.
I went to China for my spring break. When I got back, I had an essay due a few days after. And another a day after that.

So all the vidya I've played is TF2, since my instructor/friend bugs me to play with him every day. But today, I'm finally free. Thinking about running through AC0 while I can.
Sightless said:
I don't have Spring Break. Not that I'm taking classes anyway, but my school has a "reading break" sometime in February. Most of my friends who get Spring Break already had theirs in the last week or two.

This, unfortunately. But spending this "spring break" writing an essay.
Wife and I seperated during Spring Break, doesn't look like it's going to work out. What a splended time.
On a lighter note...with the family in NE I treated myself.

Yup, I went to a movie by myself. How many people were in the 9:30 showing of Hunger Games, you ask?

One. It was wonderful, that would've been unbearable with teens giggling.

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