Sony vs. Microsoft vs. Nintendo

ok another general poll i liked how in depth you guys got with RPG vs. Action so the question now is:
What company do you throw most of your weight(and money) behind?
Currently, most of my "economic weight" is behind Microsoft simply because I haven't come up with the extra money to buy myself a PS3. I had a Wii and had fun with it for a good 6 months. A guy can only take so much shovelware ya know?

As far as which company will gain the most steam this coming year is debatable. I think Sony will step up their game and make '09 the year of the PS3(and hopefully GT5).
I own near 100 Xbox games and something like 80 Xbox360 games. I have a PS2 that I got only a few years ago and it gets used heavily, but most of those games are cheap now. I've also got a DS with lots of games and Wii with a few games, but my money by far goes more to MS.
Microsoft because I'm a PC gamer. Don't own an Xbox and probably never will. I'm babysitting my friend's while he's in Germany for the month, but I'll never shell out the money for one.

But I throw so much money on PC games...eesh. Maybe Steam to be more specific.
I guess Nintendo since I've owned their consoles before Microsoft or Sony were in the gaming battlefield.

And I sold my 360 for a Wii when it came out (big mistake).
up until about a year ago all my money went to nintendo. i started buying 360 stuff. so today my money is split between microsoft and nintendo. never gave any of my money to sony.
The 360, I have a wii but i havent bought a game for it since Mario came out. I play the DS more then the wii. I used to spend money on the ps2, and before that it was the N64 and SNES.
Sony. I didn't upgrade to the newest gen yet, so I'm still working on my PS2. I did own a Wii, but I sold it because I realized it was crap. If I do finally upgrade, I'll go with the PS3, but it hasn't quite convinced me yet.

Financially speaking: Sony
Emotionally speaking: Nintendo
Boringman54 said:
Overall, I've spent more money with Nintendo but recently, most of my money's been going to Xbox 360.
Fixed for my tastes. My best gaming memories can only be attributed to games on the SNES, N64, and GCN, and that will most likely never change. I am completely nostalgic for the big N. Still, only a fool would deny the clear winner of this generation, the Xbox 360, a spot in their household. Unless of course, that spot is vacated because the 360 RROD'd...Besides, the Wii is far too focused on the casual market. I don't do well with abandonment. :?
Now that I think about it, I've spent about two grand on Xbox stuff. Minus the consoles themselves, which my parents bought, I pay for all my games. And I've got a good 50 or so games for the two systems. Assuming each game is thirty bucks, that's $1500 - on games alone. Definitely Microsoft.
Well, I guess Microsoft, but I do want Sony to do well since I adore the PS1 and the PS2...maybe I'll consider buying the PS4...But, no Nintendo - I love the N64, but the Wii just sucks.

Xbox and PC for me.
Just about to fork over another $400 to MS because my 360 died..and i kinda.. threw it out of a window. I forgt about the 3yr warranty for 6 seconds.
for its sony, been that was since the psx. before it was nintendo. but hell, i'm not gonna buy a gimmicky wii for shovelware. as for the 360, no games on it really that i would want to play.
I say Microsoft, but I hope Sony can pull through. I would get the ps3 in addition to the 360 because of its blue-ray player and certain games, but I don't have to expendable cash.

madster111 said:

Xbox and PC for me.
Just about to fork over another $400 to MS because my 360 died..and i kinda.. threw it out of a window. I forgt about the 3yr warranty for 6 seconds.

Why $400? Can't you just get the arcade version for $200? I actually have to buy another 360 myself because of the red ring (towel trick for now) and disk read error(after playing +30mins, thankfully you can install games) and the extended 3 year warranty had expired for me.

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