I need help with Lets Play/livestreaming series

used44 said:
Do Alan Wake. I thought it was not the game for me, I traded it in after a few hours. But I wouldn't mind watching somebody else play it and comment on it.

Maybe pick a game that you haven't played before. It might be better to have the commentator bringing a fresh eye to it, rather than going through the motions of a secondary playthrough.

Or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.

Thanks about the havent played yet tip, I will use it and considering Alan Wake...keep the tips coming :)
danielrbischoff said:
There's really no need to bump, ever. How far did your topic fall on the list in this particular forum anyway?

I am horribly sorry, I am used to forums where is post lost in endless flow in a matter of few moments, I didnt realize that I was still on first page...again I am sorry and it wont happen again.
Detlik said:
I am horribly sorry, I am used to forums where is post lost in endless flow in a matter of few moments, I didnt realize that I was still on first page...again I am sorry and it wont happen again.
No worries :). Nice to have a new face around here.

Honestly, I'm going to say that you should hold on to your cash for a game you really want to play coming up soon. Instead, just focus on entertaining commentary. Honestly, you could play the shittiest game in the world, but if what you're saying is funny/entertaining then people will definitely watch.

Also, try to respond to the people chatting in your channel so they know you're paying attention.
danielrbischoff said:
Detlik said:
I am horribly sorry, I am used to forums where is post lost in endless flow in a matter of few moments, I didnt realize that I was still on first page...again I am sorry and it wont happen again.
No worries :). Nice to have a new face around here.

Honestly, I'm going to say that you should hold on to your cash for a game you really want to play coming up soon. Instead, just focus on entertaining commentary. Honestly, you could play the shittiest game in the world, but if what you're saying is funny/entertaining then people will definitely watch.

Also, try to respond to the people chatting in your channel so they know you're paying attention.

I am thinking about doing lets play series of A valley without a wind since its really interesting indie game, but I am not sure if people would watch it...and I hope my comments will be funny enough for people :D is weird accent/slightly bad pronunciation big problem?
One more question, which program is best for editing video from the raw footage which will fraps provide? Any amazing cheap/free ones out there except WIndows Movie Maker?

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