So has the old site gone down for good?


I just tried to access the old gamepost and I got a page saying "Http/1.1 Service Unavailable" and got the same page when I tried getting to the old site (from my favourites). Does this mean that the old design is gone now or what?

Also, TNO or anyone else with a dial up connection, how is this site loading up for you? I'm at uni right now so I have a very fast connection but when I get back home I'll be stuck with 56k again.

Hmm weird, I can too now. That link is also the one I use from my favourites so I guess it was just a temporary error thing. Same goes for the main site.

Oh, while I'm asking stuff are we getting the quick reply back?

Something seems to be slightly wrong. But I can trust that the GMs will clear everything up once the old gamepost is gone.
maca2kx said:
I just tried to access the old gamepost and I got a page saying "Http/1.1 Service Unavailable" and got the same page when I tried getting to the old site (from my favourites). Does this mean that the old design is gone now or what?

Also, TNO or anyone else with a dial up connection, how is this site loading up for you? I'm at uni right now so I have a very fast connection but when I get back home I'll be stuck with 56k again.


Same thing happened to me, I'm not quite sure what it is. It only seemed to be giving me a problem for the one day (whew) so I imagine it had something to do with the GRandmasters...dun dun dun...

Suprisingly, it's not too bad for dial-up. Maybe a tad bit slower, but it's almost unnoticible. I'm sure this is mostly to do with less posts per topic, though. Once more people get the hang of things and topics are regularilly multi-page, and custom avatars and sig pics are all over the place, things will probably slow down quite a bit.

On the up-side, I should be getting wireless soon. Should.
We're in a weird state of dual operation, but yes, ultimately the old site will vanish. /me toasts to the buggy future!


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