Pop Up Adds and Force marketing Everywhere? Why?


Just what exactly is going on around here. Every time I check out this site its always some new and more annoying popup. This week this Nintendo add that pops up on every page is absolutely relentless not to mention that the close button conveniently doesn't work. So is this what the public has to put up with to access this page, what happened tot he good old days when this site was the toughest grading site on the net. Now its just a collection of mediocre reviews from biased gamers combined with a bombardment of media advertising at every available opportunity. Its sad that nowadays you can't even cruise a website without having to watch or look at some garbage ad that I didn't condone. Isn't television bad enough, now I have to put up with it on sell out websites like this.... Disgusting!!!!

Wow. My opinion about this site couldn't be further from yours. Any pop-up ad issues I have are very rare.

Welcome to the boards!
Some nasty pop-ups still occure, if you don't have pop-up blockkers on. That's why I usually have them on...

I agree that ads still need some adjusting, but in what ways have the reviews got worse? "Mediocre reviews from biased gamers"? Show me a biased review to back it up, becouse I'm still loving 'em...
Join the Army and be all you can be.

until you get shot in the face by a terrorist. Then your body might make it home.

BTW the army advertisement is getting kinda annoying.
i keep all popup blockers turned off just to watch for problems. i haven't seen your problems. you may have spyware.

try switching to firefox as abcwtf suggested. the only popup campaigns we've had recently are army and adidas, and you should never be shown more than one.

yes i know the army one can get annoying, and i don't actually recommend that anyone join the u.s. army. why the heck they love us and keep paying our bills is beyond me.


Does it bug anyone else how hard the Army targets gamers? I kind of resent it.. I dunno,

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