So has anyone tried the Oculus Rift?


It's been out for awhile now so I'm wondering who here has played it. I haven't had a chance to yet but I really want to since the consensus on YouTube seems to be that it's awesome.

I love horror games but I doubt I'd have the guts to play something scary on it. One game actually brought a man to tears from being so afraid. ... lK0D5bbv_J

Skip to 5:15 to see him have a mental breakdown lol. But be warned he screams a lot so don't have your volume too high.

It makes me wonder what psychological effects this will have on us? Or maybe in 20 years we'll be laughing at a game like Dreadhauls the way we laugh at the original Resident Evil in PS1.

Anyway, share your experiences!
I've enjoyed the limited time I've spent using the Oculus Rift and while I've never been aware as to which iteration of the technology I've used, it has seemed to get better and better.
I have only watched demos and lets plays but I plan on pre-ordering as soon as the consumer version is announced. My new rig has enough power to run push it.

I read a leak somewhere that they plan on having the consumer version out by Christmas this year.

I do wonder though if they will only release one version or multiple versions with different types of higher resolution screens.

VR is the future. Soon we will care more about exploring virtual worlds than we do the real one. Oh wait that is the present already.
I do admit I am a little worried everyone is going to get so addicted to VR that nobody will do anything anymore and instead just make out with their Lucy Liu robot.

I've yet to try the Oculus Rift. I've seen the Oculus Rift at both PAX AUS 2013 and 2014 but I never tried it because the lines to give it a go were like, a two hour wait at minimum.
WickedLiquid said:
I do admit I am a little worried everyone is going to get so addicted to VR that nobody will do anything anymore and instead just make out with their Lucy Liu robot.


That's not virtual reality, that's augmented reality, you fuckin moron.
I see optometrists and neurologists having an extremely lucrative future.

I already get headaches from staring at computer monitors for prolonged periods of time. Can you imagine the adverse effects of a glowing screen capable of giving you vertigo, planted mere centimeters from your eyes every day for hours on end? People are going to wind up with strained, fatigued eyes bulging with dark circles underneath. I don't think VR will become my medium of choice; once in awhile, yes, but definitely not an every day thing.
The real problem with VRs launch is that the consoles are way to weak to push them. It takes serious PC power to push VR(Non Nauseating). Current Occulus screen they are testing is above 1080p and is 90hz.

I cant see them becoming "Popular" for gamers until consoles are really able to push them. I'm sure plenty of people will be interested but will not buy one until much later past its first consumer version.
$20 says in 2044 we'll be living in a post-apocalyptic world where people only spend enough time outside the goggles to eat and shit.
Journal Entry 420: I had my first VR experience using the sex attachments last night. Now I never need to date again.
So if you have sex over the VR using like a super advanced fleshlight and dildo that move according to the people, does that count?
I asked my girlfriend if she would consider that cheating and she said as long as it is an AI it isnt cheating. :lol:

The idea of long distance couples having sex is cool though.

Virtual reality is nigh, and the first thing we think of is fucking the air! But what if you're thrusting in the middle of it...and then BAM! Dick hits the wall - stint needed for your penis.

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