So... Comic Books?


This topic is simple, how many of you actually read comic books? Despite the overwhelming amount of fans for Arkham City, I'd be willing to bet money most of these fans haven't touched a comic book since they were 12.

I'm a huge fan of comic books, and read everything from DC, Marvel, Top Cow, Dark Horse and Image. It'd be impossible for me to list all of my favorite characters. Do you hate comic books, but love movie and game tie-ins?

Also, thoughts on the New 52? I love it so far, their redesigns on the characters thus far have been incredible.
I don't read comics anymore. I'm a huge X-Men fan and was an avid reader of volume 2 that started in '91. I also loved all the books/mini series that focused on one character. The 4 issue mini series for Gambit, the graphic novel for Rouge, a double issue story on Beast, a 4 issue mini series on Cyclops, the graphic novel Origins with Prof X and Magneto, and of course Wolverine's own individual series.

There was also a badass 4 issue mini series staring Gambit and Wolverine tracking a serial killer in London. As well as a 6 part Spider-man mini series where Parker travels to Canada, gets caught up in a series of unsolved murders and discovers the killer might be Wolverine.

Oh, and the age of apocalypse series was awesome! AH! There's so many!

There was also an alternate X-Men series that followed the 90's cartoon. It was watered down for a younger audience. But being a kid, I obviously wanted the mature series where Gambit and Wolverine were smokers and there was more violence.
I'm reading probably 30 series of the new 52. I've been ridiculous since I got my iPad.
The new 52 is amazing. For those who don't know what it is, the New 52 is something that hasn't ever really been done in comic-book history. DC cancelled every single comic they have (almost), and restarted it with new issues. That means that yeah, Superman #1 is here, but its a different Superman than the one you know and love. He's younger, he's impulsive, arrogant, cocky and a lot more brutal but still being a good guy. He doesn't kill, but he doesn't have an issue with burning your hand off or melting a handgun to your hand... or breaking your leg, etc. Many characters got a redesign, in both history and looks.

The two main DC characters, Batman and Superman (I would also claim Wonder Woman and Green Lantern too, but whatcha gonna do?) are broken into two comic types. Superman is both Superman, and Action Comics, with Action Comics being the sort of young Superman and Superman being the adult Superman. Batman is broken into Batman, and Detective Comics, with Detective Comics being the younger Batman, and so on.

The New 52 is also an era where super-beings only appeared five years ago, so the world is still... adjusting to their presence. Cops shoot at Batman, and Superman alike.

If you've never read a comic book before because of the complicated storylines that require months of backreading, I'd start now while things are still fresh, after all, that's why they restarted -everything-.

"No, you can't play with it. You won't enjoy it on as many levels as I do" - Professor Frink
Funny... but I'm not implying people shouldn't enjoy comic-book related things without having first read comic books. Just clearing that up.

I just want to know if folks read comic books... or if I'm a sad, alone comic-book dork here. =(
No not at all. Glad you can take a joke.

No this really made Arkham City predictable. If you've read the last 10 years of comics you have a really good idea of who each side quest is going to end up being.

I've been buying a collection here and there, but nothing from the New 52, regretfully.
I've let my mailed subscriptions lapse, but like Bret, I still buy collections. I need to sign up for the digital versions of some of the 52s and start those up.
Used to read a TON of comics. X-Men Vol 2 (the series started in 90/91ish), Uncanny X-Men, Wolverine were my favs. I wanted to get back into them but a lot has happened since I last read any of those. I'm the type who would want to pick up where I left off. Loved the cross overs like Fatal Attractions, Phalanx Covenant and of course the Age of Apocalypse series. I also had the Gambit miniseries. Still have Wolverine #1. Not the miniseries first issue prior to his full run comic. Number 1 of the continuous series.

I was also a fan of Wildcats, Spawn, Grendel...But nothing grabbed me as much as the X-Men. I had about 350 comics....Not sure what happened to most of them though.

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