

It's been a while since posting here on GR, I have an excuse though..... I think, been busy with school, new job, hosting a radio show and recently awarded as a ambassador at my university. But unfortunately things like that and a social life are taking me away for things I love like gaming, movies, TV and GR. Honestly I don't think I post enough here to where if I stopped anybody would notice but that's okay. All I need to be comforted is to know that I'm not the only person slacking. Anybody else been getting too busy or just lazy to where the things you like have started to disappear? I guess that's apart of life and maturing but........ When you've been sitting in front of a TV with a game controller your whole life saying goodbye is kind of tough
I been playing video games so much, but ever since I decided to live with my dad temporarily, my video game playing hasn't been well. I still talk about video games, but I haven't been purchasing that much of new games nowadays.
It's funny you mention busy and lazy in the same sentence like that. When I am busiest I seem to use time more efficiently and get more of everything done I noticed recently. Social stuff, gf stuff, Uni stuff, work, whatever. And when I do get some free time I'm too lazy for much else, games take too much focus. I haven't finished a game this year. Kind of a waste after I built a new gaming PC and have all teh gaems. Any way I have to say that GR is most awkward weird gaming corner of the internet and I will always love it haha Proper nerds since before it was cool.
FrozenBacon said:
I go on GR posting sprees every one in a while and then I slip back into the darkness of night.

I pretty much think we all do. It is weird to see the forums so slowed compared to 10 years ago.
KurtCobain94 said:
FrozenBacon said:
I go on GR posting sprees every one in a while and then I slip back into the darkness of night.

I pretty much think we all do. It is weird to see the forums so slowed compared to 10 years ago.

Yes we all go dark every once in awhile, life does exist outside the forums. And even though the forums are slower, I'd say our mods are the best they've ever been. I remember Sounds was such a Nintendo fanboy he would edit my posts if I said something negative about the gamecube. Masterchris was pretty bad with the fanboyism as well, God forbid you told him you enjoyed Resident Evil over Silent Hill. We all miss Stal but let's not kid oursevles, he knew how to push our buttons. Then there's TNO and his lapdog Dark Legacy. When Dan and Wicked do it, it's funny, but the way DL kissed TNO's ass was just sad. And now if today is the day any one of these guys return to visit I'll feel incredibly awkward. I hope it's mala because I actually really enjoyed him as a mod.

Dan, Longo, Matt, Used, Wicked and Bret, keep up the good work chums.

j/k Lethean I didn't forget you. Although ever since you've become American you've adapted their snobbery, and you know it's bad when a frenchman tells you you're a snob :P Seriously though, good job.
danielrbischoff said:
I notice Delorean.... I notice.


Well it is comforting to know I'm not the only one, in fact now that I think about it a good number of people who used to be members have pulled the whole "I'm going to get cigarettes I'll be back" and never return. I've always like GR, I've been visiting since N64 & PS1 days to get cheat codes (you know, when CheatCC was relevant). It's really the only game site whose reviews don't seem tied to the game developer's promotion. I don't like gametrailer reviews, OXM tired me out and I don't go to gamespot because well we all move on from middle school at some point.... I'm kidding, the point is GR is awesome and I tip my hat to you forum dwellers, y'all are the most civilized video game forum posters I've met in my life. I know there has been many moments argue against that but just take compliment when you see one

Now to spark something and ruin the moment............... I've never played a Silent Hill game, I was always into RE more than SIlent Hill.......

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