
So the newest online craze that has made its way into meatspace is Sharknado--the SyFy original movie where (you guessed it) sharks get swept up in a tornado. It's supposed to be a balls-out so-bad-its-good cheese-fest schlock-a-thon. Audiences are going nuts over it! People can't get enough! However, my question is, how is Sharknado different from any other Sci-Fi/SyFy original movie? It it cheesier than DinoCroc? It it worse that Sabertooth Island?

Something tells me that the Sharknado craze is fueled by people like this:


People who just now "figured out" about cheesy movies and the concept of "so bad its good." So I need someone who has seen Sharknado to tell us: Just how bad/good is it? it's fueled by the imaginary fake geek girls? Sorry, saying that cause that pic was used in the fake geek girl articles. Not trying to fuel another flame here.

All honesty, why should we care? I love some campy film that only 20 people watched in its history of existence. I don't give a crap if people say it's silly or dumb as long as i appreciate it. So why should we care if it's good or bad if some die hard fans are supporting it? It's not like if this becomes a success, the Syfy channel will take over HBO.
I remember when people wouldn't stop talking about that Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus movie either.

There is definitely a hipster aspect to it where some people go out of their way to find the wost movies they can and watch them "ironically" so they can make a meme or something about it later and I think scifi is fully aware of it. So they go out of their way to think up the most insane kind of premise because they know the word of mouth it will generate. All they care about is that people are tuning in so they can keep collecting the advertising dollars.

So this is just the latest in the long line of movies they have made in that spirit, which is to make them purposely as absurd as possible.

I don't watch the channel myself that often, but I like to check out the more low key bad movies that they show now and then. Their Thor movie with Richard Grecko as Loki was something I marveled at. I was like, 'wow they actually made this, and it is so terrible.' And not in the so terrible it's funny category.

On the other hand, there are some genuine film geeks that get a kick out of getting together and watching bad movies to have a laugh at their expense MST3K style. Or to just discuss them, Check out a few episodes of Best of the Worst on the Red Letter Media site where they watch some bad movies. Funny stuff.
The best part was all the stock Nat Geo footage of sharks swimming in the ocean. Just randomly placed in the movie.
Remember the 80s and 90s when people could just enjoy stuff? I watched it, I laughed at how bad it was and have enjoyed having a unified thing to laugh about at work.
It was a damn fun movie, stupidly cheesy and all the qualities of a bad movie but it was still fun. And you're missing another gif of the chainsaw cutting a shark in half.
I only saw half of this movie, and I felt it was a movie that's just bad. Not "so bad it's good", it was just bad.

Not to go off topic, one of my favourite "so bad it's good" movies is Double Team, with Jean Claude Van Damme and Dennis Rodman. I also like Bloodsport and the live action version of Street Fighter.

Wow. All my "so bad it's good" movies seem to be starring Jean Claude Van Damme...
It must be so good to do the post-production for these companies. No pressure whatsoever. I can imagine them to just have a "that'll do" attitude.

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