Share Your Own Game Cover

LOL, yeah it was supposed to say Grand Theft Auto: Mushroom Kingdom. But like I said, when I added the title it covered most of it. I should've paid more attention to the title on the GTA model I was using and how the pictures go around the title and not across the entire cover.

Anyways, thanks guys. They're really not all that hard to do if you know how to copy images into paint then save them and upload them. Everyone shoulod give it a shot.
That's exactly how I did my Fallout 3 cover. Gotta love GTA: Mushroom Kingdom
You know how awesome that game would be?
Go around Mushroom Kingdom, killing civilians with fire balls, stealing mushrooms for a robbing job.

EDIT I just now created this
revived the topic...because I want to see more the one Wicked Liquid made with GTMK

I made that because it's going to be released in less than a couple weeks
De-Ting said:
lol Apology Edition? Like, why would anyone have bought Lair when they could just buy Uncharted?
Bingo. :p

Thanks MattAY! I knew a Briton would get it easily. ;)
JCD, that rip on The Verve is the funniest thing I've seen for weeks. Thank you. Tis now my background.
We are loosing track here with jokes so i am going to suggest a catagory every week. For this week we should see who can do the best classic N64 game covers.
Eh, I only posted two joke covers (yeah yeah I know lost of topic)...JCD is the hardworking comedian here

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