Settlers of Catan


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I had always wanted to play this classic strategy boardgame, and my lovely wife knew this and got it for me for my birthday. She even set up a nerdy little guy's night for me, so I got to play it a few times.

Since, I've played it a few more times, and I really like it. There's no wonder it's as culturally popular as it is. It may look like RISK from afar, but it plays more like Monopoly. Anybody can get the grasp in just a few rounds, and the strategies are infinite. Everybody had their own, just like Monopoly. The few games I've played so far have all been won differently.

Any other Catan fans? Anybody enjoy the various expansions?

I can't get a group of 3+ willing players together that often either, so if anybody wants to play on Xbox Live let me know!
I love Settlers, been playing it since I was18. Won't say much more be3cause I'm hammered but it's a great game!
Settlers is a HUGE favorite in my household. We started playing a few years back, and have recruited various other people into our games.
Great game. It was the gateway game that led to me playing other not mainstream board games back in the day.

Development cards, middle of the map. That is all.
Settlers is awesome. I remember about 2 years ago when I started playing it no one knew about it. After I became obsessed however, it caught on like wildfire.

The guy who introduced it to me played at the world championships. His friend actually won it. Neato.
Sooo my coworkers have invited me to their house on Friday nights on various occasions to play this game. They claim I'd love it, but I can think of a million and a half other things to do with my Friday night than play this game with a bunch of married couples. I'm interested in it - and now im even more interested in it seeing a thread pop up about it on GR.

What can you tell me about this game? and why is it "great"?
It's fun to craft your own strategies, there are hilarious moments had from trading and road-building and cutting each other off, I dunno it's just fun. A great game to shoot the shit during.

Xbox Live invite still open people! It would be really fun to set up a community playmate of Catan.
The map is fully random. It contains five resources that you use to build various things (towns, cities, roads, development cards). Each thing gives you victory points, first to 11 or 13 wins. Resource acquisition is randomly determined by dice and so you have to barter with your opponents to get anywhere sometimes.
I went through a big Catan phase. After I got bored with the reg., I moved onto seafarers and Cities and Knights. I have had my fill, however. Very good game though.
Never liked Cities and Knights. Seafarers ain't bad though. The card game for two is fun, but has a very different feel.
UrbanMasque said:
Sooo my coworkers have invited me to their house on Friday nights on various occasions to play this game. They claim I'd love it, but I can think of a million and a half other things to do with my Friday night than play this game with a bunch of married couples. I'm interested in it - and now im even more interested in it seeing a thread pop up about it on GR.

What can you tell me about this game? and why is it "great"?
It's like one part Risk, one part Monopoly, one part Game of Life, and it's shorter than any of those and the board is different every time.

Add in some alcohol, tough negotiations, and underhanded tactics, and it's an amazing game.
I have it and the Knights and Cities expansion stowed away here somewhere, plus I got it on Live.

Damn good game, loved playing that, Risk, Stratego and Poker all night in the dorm rooms.
I've always wanted to play Catan, but my family has never been big on board games nor have any of friends been either.
DocMoc said:
Longo_2_guns said:
underhanded tactics

This is what I love the most about it.
My favorite trick is when I have a monopoly card, I make a few tiny trades with a bunch of people, asking them how many they have of the good that I want, and then take them all.
Seafarers. :)

I love boardgames, and I love Settlers. There's always a bunch of gaming competitions around here, and they often include some kind of Settlers thingy, which is awesome. I can manage to steal some sweet prizes every once in a while, yay. Strangely enough, I don't actually own the game... Usually I just rely on one of my friends to have it available.

Also, any other good games that anyone has been playing as of late? I've been playing some Ticket to Ride. It's a really easy rule set that leads to fun and frustrating strategies.
Ticket to Ride is funny... I'm used to playing with a full group of people around this big table, so people are leaning over to examine a particular bit of the board such that it's sooooo obvious where they want to go... :p

It's pretty amusing to try to incorporate that into strategy n' stuff.

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