Riddle from Nier I cant fucking do! NO CHEATING!!


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Right, I've been playing Nier. One of the story arcs is about people being trapped in dreams (long story I suppose). Basically I dive into their dreams and free them by doing a load of riddles. There was one riddle that literally took me about 30 minutes to do, I asked my parents for help and everything (didnt want to get it wrong, I hadn't saved for an hour!)
Ok , so here it is...if you cheat I'll know!! I've googled it and cant find it anyway (I cant find WHY, but the answer is out there):

"Only one statue is telling the truth"
"The real one will only tell the truth"
"The false ones will only tell lies"

"Please!" said Alpha, "Get me out of this nightmare! I'm the real one!"

"Stop lying!" shouted Beta, he turned to Matthias (me hehe) and waved his hands in the air, "I'm the real one, you know! Aplha is a fake!"

"That's a load of crap!" said Gamma. "Everyone knows I'm the real one! Beta is a fake!"

That's the riddle. Then afterwards your little sidekick says, "Looking at the statements only one can be true!".....like it's a fucking doddle!

I need help, I dont just want to know the answer...I actually know it, I want to know WHY!
Beta is the real one. He really is the real one and Alpha is a fake.
Which means Alpha is lying and isn't the real one, as opposed to what he is saying.
Gamma must also be lying. So contrary to his statement, it isn't a load of crap, everyone knows he's the fake one and Beta is the real one.

There you have it, one minute to solve. Apply things that negate first. So look for a liar, or truth teller, and qualify his statement by making the next one a liar or truth teller. Does the last one fit the last role. BAM!!! Answer.
god I hope it's not as easy as it seems; i hope i'm wrong. maybe Bretimus has already answered it for you, i haven't read his reply (yet).


If only one statue is telling the truth, only one can tell the truth, and the other 2 are telling lies then Alpha has to be the real one because he said *I'm* the real one - the truth - without mentioning the other 2.

And the other 2 (Beta and Gamma) both claimed someone else was lying, because all they can do is lie.

I agree with Chris, Alpha is the only one who didn't indicate anyone else was lying. Psychologically when someone is lying they try to make it seem as though someone else is the actual liar by projecting themselves onto the other person. Because Alpha is the only one who simply took interest in himself and didn't attempt to defame anyone else he should be the honest one.

Are we right, Matt? Or are YOU the liar??
Okay, I can say with certainty that it isn't Gamma. Why? Because that would mean that Alpha and Beta would be lying, and Beta is calling Alpha a liar, which would mean that he's telling the truth! However, if you choose Alpha or Beta that paradox does not exist.

HOWEVER! We do not need to do any further delving because WITH THAT KNOWLEDGE WE HAVE SOLVED OUR PUZZLE!

Since Gamma CANNOT be the one, thus whatever he says MUST BE A LIE. And what does he say? That he is the real one and BETA IS A FAKE! Thus, the only logical conclusion is:


BAM! Shove that in your pipe and smoke it.
Haha, the answer is Beta. Bret and Luke are geniuses.

See, I did what Chris and Schimmy did, and thought it would be Alpha. All the riddles before this were amazingly easy, so I didnt think it would involve so much thought. I thank you two knights in armour for helping me in WHY it was Beta.
You have to remember that since they always lie, when a liar says, "he's a fake", what he means is "he's the real one".
Chris_Crime said:
god I hope it's not as easy as it seems; i hope i'm wrong. maybe Bretimus has already answered it for you, i haven't read his reply (yet).

Hey, I was right on all accounts!

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