Prop 19

With voting day less than a week away, the major players on both sides of the California marijuana debate are starting to show their colors. Obviously there are a lot of supporters for this proposition to pass, but outlandish statements like this one that just surfaced on YouTube a few minutes ago may be the perfect fodder for opposers of the bill. Polls across the nation are showing a general approval of the bill, but polls from Suffolk University (40% yes, 55% no), the LA Times/USC (39% v 51%), and CNN/Time (45% v 53%) show that there are still a lot of California residents hesitant to jump on the bandwagon, even after projections were released showing $1.4 billion a year in tax revenue for California, which would potentially help the state out of its enormous debt. What are your guys' opinions on the proposition? And for Urban, Longo, etc. who live in California, what have you heard about it from locals?
Not only that but, the Federal attorney WILL still persecute Californian for illegal usage of Marijuana despise the fact that California would legalized it.

So now, it won't be a state crime, but a federal crime to smoke weed... great...
I haven't met anyone here opposed to it yet. I will be voting. Interesting to see how it turns out.
There are very few drawbacks to making weed legal, and when you weigh them against the massive benefits (ie, the 1bil+ in tax) any drawbacks become irrelevant.

Anyone who votes 'No' is an idiot who dislikes progress and lower taxes.
It won't pass, because for everyone in favor of it there are a dozen So Ca mexicansl and the idiots north of Sacramento who are fed miles of false information about it. Just like Prop 8, and why Meg Whitman stands even a sliver of a chance.

Also, because there are thousands of guys like me who aren't even registered to vote.

I want it to pass just 'cause. But I know it won't.
I want it to pass to see what happens.

I also believe that if it passes, my state, to be harder, will legalize meth, just cause.
Aren't people in Cali already doing pot everywhere? Seems pretty redundant ;)
I_Hate_MGS said:
It won't pass because everyone will be too high to remember to vote.

haha, that was a good episode.

Seriously though, I thought LA was the porn capital of the world. Why would the people of California have a problem with weed? Then again, correct me if I'm wrong but they did vote no on legalizing same sex marriage, am I right?

Then again, the Governator himself smoked pot.
Well, if Boardwalk Empire has taught me anything, it's that prohibition of substances just makes bad people rich. Also, it's teaching me that Steve Buschemi is even cooler than I thought.

If this does pass, I think that a good chunk of marijuana tax revenue should go into the garbage that gets cut first in economic downturn (school, emergency services like fire and police forces, etc.).
I don't think they'll legalize weed in the USA. I also don't think they'll legalize it here in Canada.

The problem is people who are pro-marijuana are usually smelly hippies instead of cancer patients and others who use it for medicinal purposes.

Marijuana is like alcohol. It should be legal because it's fun and people enjoy it, but it's not legal because people don't have will power and over use it.
im not sure that im down with the commercialization of weed. however, i have no problem with it being legal. a user should just have to grow their own.

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