Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Movie)

KoalaRainbowPoop said:
no, no god of war movie. absolutely not. hollywood would turn it into a 300 rip off, so no no no. and a metal gear movie would never work, not unless they dumbed it down to this: terrorists get a nuke and america sends in one man to stop him. and seriously, how many of those type of movies are there? no, metal gear movie would suck. has for lost planet... just be aliens in winter. no, hollywood needs to leave video games alone. enough is enough.
Heard there thinking of making a Heavy Rain movie, and wouldn't a lost planet movie just be starship troopers plus snow
Heavy Rain is already a movie, and the creator of the series actually has said it wouldn't work in Hollywood. Too much to follow.

I just discovered they're making a Tekken movie though, I'm thinking Hollywood has finally hit rock bottom in terms of ideas
schimmel said:
I just discovered they're making a Tekken movie though, I'm thinking Hollywood has finally hit rock bottom in terms of ideas
Correction, they MADE a Tekken movie.

It was released in Japan, and during its entire run only made $7,000 TOTAL! And it was a several million dollar movie.

Because of that, they made it a Direct to DVD release in the US.
III hate Jake because hes high in himself and two of my GUY friends are obsessed with him. Its annoying.
schimmel said:
Heavy Rain is already a movie, and the creator of the series actually has said it wouldn't work in Hollywood. Too much to follow.

I just discovered they're making a Tekken movie though, I'm thinking Hollywood has finally hit rock bottom in terms of ideas
Thats a relief I thought I was gonna have to bust out the old protesting sign I used for Dragonball Z Evolution
Hlallu said:
III hate Jake because hes high in himself and two of my GUY friends are obsessed with him. Its annoying.

annnd u know he's high on himself how?

i personally would go broke back mountain on his ass (no homo)
So is that new PoP game... based on the movie? Because from what I've seen it looks nothing like the last two incarnation of the Prince and it seems... well... shitty?
I'm just pissed off they didnt make the sequel to the 2008 PoP, just so they could cash in with the movie.

I want to know what happens in the 2008 game dammit!! Plus, I liked the gameplay in that one. Was very flowing and easy to play.

Oh, and not to stray off-topic - Jake Gylenhaal's voice in this sounds really really annoying.
I did some reading and found out it goes with the older PoP series and takes place between Sands of Time and the second one.

I thought all of those games were boring so I never played them.
And MattAY, from what I've heard they considered the PoP: Reboot a flop and scrapped any plans for a sequel. So you they were just looking for an excuse to go back to the 2 and 3 and PSP feel.

I'm probably going to see this movie because I saw the Pirates's winning over people who've never played the game, so it's at least a decent popcorn flick.
Bretimus_v2 said:
And MattAY, from what I've heard they considered the PoP: Reboot a flop and scrapped any plans for a sequel.

I never read that! That really sucks. I really liked the (new)PoP game, thought the story and gameplay were awesome and Elika was a cool addition to the cast
Finally saw it.

schimmel said:
Throughout the movie the Prince (I refuse to call him Dastan, the character should be nameless) looks more like Altair than the actual prince in the games
I actually thought that he looked like a combo of the second game (lank, dirty hair and the tied red scarf bandanna). The one thing that I was impressed by was the costume design.

There wasn't even a single sand monster.
To an extent, I believe they tried to semi-ground the sand monsters by making them into "the Hassansins".

I actually liked this movie, 3/5. Good summer action movie. As far as videogames-->movies, I think they always have to change stuff. But I was actually surprised by how much they tried to follow the game. They kept key elements while fleshing the story out to make for a fuller story. Sure art/set design was changed, but it's to be expected.

Complaints, the witty banter wasn't witty. Pirates! Umm, I mean desert marauders...yes... Why'd they have to be so stingy with the sand. There should have been at least four more rewinds and the slow-down and flash attacks should have been added too.

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