Post your age(and gaming history).

well i'm 21 now and ive been gaming since i was about 7 with the genesis but i wouldnt say i really became a gamer till the psx came out. although i do own some of the major systems that came out before it

atari 2600-9 games

sega master system-4

genesis model 1 2 and3 /segacd/32x-76
turbo grfx 16- 3

plastation- 49



game gear-11
game boy advance-18
neo geo pocket color 6
so im pushing the 500 milestone on games, ive been collecting them for a long time, this is the first time ive counted all of them it adds up, but i love them and have them all out on shelfs with all the systems playable with the touch of many system selector buttons on 3 tv's
I'm 16 (I think) My first system was a Nintendo 64
currently I own:
My shit PC (specs are in the my computer sucks topic)
and a PS2
also a PS1 but inever use it
Hello, my name is Chris, and I am 23.

My first console was my parents Intellivision, and their awesome collection of just about every game Mattel released (plus a few Imagic titles thrown in for good luck). Shortly thereafter my parents bought an NES, but I always gravitated towards the Intellivision. My neighbour had a Colecovision, which rarely got used as it paled in comparison to the INTV :p

I also used to own a Genesis and Game Gear. I sold the GG off quickly because I could never get into handhelds, and I still can't. The Genesis I also sold off, and regretted ever since. I recently purchased a second hand Genesis, and am re-living a part of my childhood which pretty much only consisted of Sonic.

I went on a bit of a hiatus through most of the 90's, until I picked up my first PlayStation at a flea market around '99-ish, just in time to get hooked by Silent Hill. The only other console I've purchased since then was my PS2, which I bought new in 2001, specifically for Silent Hill 2. I also picked up an N64 last year, it sees moderate usage.

Today? I guess the PS2 gets most of the usage... the PlayStation really only comes out of the closet if I want to play Silent Hill, since it doesn't run that well on the PS2. My Genesis gets occasional usage, but I mostly emulate now. Kega. The NES hasn't been turned on since sometime in the 90's, so for all I know it might not even work.
The Intellivision? Hooked up and ready to play. The Lock 'n' Chase cartridge is actually in it right now, I was playing it a couple of weeks ago. You just can't emulate that controller... besides, nothing beats the real fun of wrestling with those awesome controllers and overlays. I purchased an Intellivoice module off of ebay a couple years ago after mine broke, and I'm considering the purchase of an Intellivision II for the collection.
My name is Mike and I'm 25 years old. While I have always been a gamer, to this day my father thinks "vidya games r stoopid!" so I have been limited in the consoles I have owned.

Consoles I own:
Original Gameboy
Retro Duo (plays both NES and SNES games).

Systems I have mooched off of friends/roommates
Sega Genesis
Sega CD
Sega Saturn
Sega Dreamcast
Xbox 360

Depending on if I get a raise this month and family monetary issues, I may finally pick up a 360. All depends, but I'm patient.
21 years-old

Been gaming since I was 3 on the NES. On top of that I actually knew what I was doing and wasn't just mashing buttons; my parents have video proof of me playing on tape.
Yay, I'm not the oldest. I'm twenty-eight and I love video games.

My parents had a strict "video games lead to retardation" policy when I was young. But when my dad closed his video rental store, he brought home a NES and forty games instead of selling it (since we would be having a crappy Christmas). A gamer was born.

SNES (no Genesis, they had blood...gasp!)
N64 (see a trend?)
PSX (combo breaker)

I have a small collection of my favorites on the the last three. I used to spend very little time playing with my social life interfering. But I've been able to get more time in over the years now that I'm married.
The_Big_Cheese said:
21 years-old

Been gaming since I was 3 on the NES. On top of that I actually knew what I was doing and wasn't just mashing buttons; my parents have video proof of me playing on tape.

And now I demand proof.
The_Big_Cheese said:
Been gaming since I was 3 on the NES. On top of that I actually knew what I was doing and wasn't just mashing buttons; my parents have video proof of me playing on tape.
Oh, get pwned. I was a year younger. 8) Video proof? Nah, the money we could have bought a video camera with went to a NES.
I've got my niece playing games. She'll be 4-years-old in a few weeks, but she's been playing since she was 2. She mostly played Atari, Sonic, and V-Smile games. Now she's kick-ass at the minigames in New Super Mario Bros. for DS, and learning to understand how to play the Mario bit of it, on the easier levels.

Those joystick games were really helpful for her to learn her left, right, etc. And just the hand-eye coordination in realizing that the buttons you're pressing are controlling your character's actions.

25 (and f***ing enjoying it)

Grew up on the GENESIS which Mom bought for my birthday but then downgraded to a NES cause Mario & Co. looked pretty cool. Bought a PSX from my savings of lunch money (You should have seen the look on my friend when I paid everything in coins!). Got a GB when Pokemon was all the rage. Thought GBA was neat and upgraded to GBA SP.

PS2 came a-calling followed by the GC. Bought a NEOGEO AES including 5 carts which I saw at a flea-market for $30. A good friend of mine gave his SNES to me which to this day I regularly power up. PSP inevitably ended up in my collection too and so did NDS. Likewise for PS3.

Happy 20 years of gaming to me!! :banana:
G'day g'day, My name's Danny and I'm 19 years old

I was brought up on PC gaming from the age of four or so, with the exception of a Gameboy Pocket I got when I was 9. My first console was the x-box, which I got for christmas when I was 13. I currently own:

My PC (gaming rig extraordinaire)
A Macbook (for university)
An X-box
A Wii
An old style Purple GBA
A Pink DS light
Well im 15...just about 16- on the 21st of this month infact...
My gaming started with watching my dad play tomb raider and Red Alert, aswell as Jazz Jackrabbit (ftw) also some powerboat racing game that I know not the name of.
I own an N64, with like 20 games
2 Dreamcasts with about 30 games
PS2 with about 40ish games
PS3 with about 15ish games
PC with about ???? games ( :D)
Wii with about 7 (crappy) games
Gameboys! With pokemon and some other games I dont care about.
I pretty much started gaming as littl'un and have been doing so ever since. ^_^

So there it is, my age and gaming history.
I deliver the goods, now wheres my reward eh?
Oscihedgehog said:
Well im 15...just about 16- on the 21st of this month infact...
My gaming started with watching my dad play tomb raider and Red Alert, aswell as Jazz Jackrabbit (ftw) also some powerboat racing game that I know not the name of.
I own an N64, with like 20 games
2 Dreamcasts with about 30 games
PS2 with about 40ish games
PS3 with about 15ish games
PC with about ???? games ( :D)
Wii with about 7 (crappy) games
Gameboys! With pokemon and some other games I dont care about.
I pretty much started gaming as littl'un and have been doing so ever since. ^_^

So there it is, my age and gaming history.
I deliver the goods, now wheres my reward eh?

As a reward, I present to you this magnificent gif.

De-Ting said:
The_Big_Cheese said:
Been gaming since I was 3 on the NES. On top of that I actually knew what I was doing and wasn't just mashing buttons; my parents have video proof of me playing on tape.
Oh, get pwned. I was a year younger. 8) Video proof? Nah, the money we could have bought a video camera with went to a NES.

Man, I was playing the NES when i was in the womb, suck on that (PWNAGE BIOTCH I WAS FUCKING PWNING DEM KOOPA TROOPERS!!!111)! But seriously, why did everyone here start playing video games when they were like 2? I doubt i even knew what one was when i was 2.
AMANIAC- I started when I was 5, so not as young as some. But the reason I did was because the grown-ups were playing Atari and they weren't just gonna leave the kids out. So I got to play with them and then I was hooked. :D
But then again my two year old likes to play ATV Offroad Fury. But it's not like he's good, I've got at least 100 wins on
Hey all
I'm 25
The systems I've owned/own in order I've owned them
NES (Sold it a few years ago when in desperate for money and realized emulation existed)
Sega Genesis
Sega Dreamcast (My grades in high school sucked and my parents wouldn't let me get a new system. I did play alot off my friends system and borrowed my firends unuesed Snes' to catch up on that)
Game Boy Color (sold to get next GB)
Game Boy Advanced (sold to get next GB)
Playstation 2
Game Boy Advanced SP (sold to get DS)
Sega Nomad (that's right. I own a portable Genesis)
Nintendo DS (broke)
Sony PSP
Sega Saturn (yes...I got a Saturn in 2003...what of it?)
Nintendo Wii
Playstation 3
Nintendo DS Lite
X-box 360
and that's my gaming history.
It's been a long fun road

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