Pet Peeves

Overweight people that walk like a turtle and I end up being late for work...MOVE OUT OF MY WAY PLEASE!
Sure I'm overweight, but c'mon I walk just as fast any average person.

Another pet peeve is neighbors hollering at each other across the street while I'm trying to watch a movie.
De-Ting said:
Then my pet peeve is people who smoke because they think it's cool or sexy.

Everyone starts smoking to be cool or look sexy. Problem is by the time they realize it doesn't make them look cool or sexy they're addicted.
De-Ting said:
intoTheRain said:
De-Ting said:
Then my pet peeve is people who smoke because they think it's cool or sexy.
Everyone starts smoking to be cool or look sexy.

My pet peeve is when people lump casual cigar/pipe smokers in with cigarette smokers.

Although I will say my coolness percentage does increase significantly when I smoke my pipe.
UghRochester said:
Overweight people that walk like a turtle and I end up being late for work...MOVE OUT OF MY WAY PLEASE!
Sure I'm overweight, but c'mon I walk just as fast any average person.
Your pet peeve is your future?
StalfrosCC said:
UghRochester said:
Overweight people that walk like a turtle and I end up being late for work...MOVE OUT OF MY WAY PLEASE!
Sure I'm overweight, but c'mon I walk just as fast any average person.
Your pet peeve is your future?

Gotta agree with this. Just because you're moving quickly while being obese at your age ugh, doesn't mean you'll be moving quick in twice as many years if you stay in the same shape.

Every day when I'm at the gym, a kid comes in at the same time with a crutch on each arm, can barely walk. He makes it down the stairs, gets on the treadmill, and then to the best of his ability lifts some free weights. If that isn't motivation to take care of the HEALTHY body God gave you, I don't know what is. I'm not exactly sure what he has, but I know he couldn't begin to stand without his crutches.

I guess you could say that's one of my pet peeves.. people who take for granted a healthy, functional body. It's the most important thing you have. Well that and your mind.
Cigarettes do make some people look sexy. I saw some girl light up in carfax the other day and I nearly swooned! What a beauty.

Unfortunately it's an awful habit that tatters your looks and kills you painfully.
malakian said:
Cigarettes do make some people look sexy. I saw some girl light up in carfax the other day and I nearly swooned! What a beauty.

Unfortunately it's an awful habit that tatters your looks and kills you painfully.

I know one chick that is the type of chick who is the type that does sensual things without anyone knowing. She isn't a natural slut, she was just deprived of any social contact till she was in her 20s because she was raised in a cult. One good example of her acting like this is when she smokes. Up until a few moths ago she never smoked. Somehow she managed to smoke the cigarette in a way that would put Jenna Jameson to shame. She doesn't deepthroat the cigarette, but it is just the way she moves her lips that makes the little man in your pants jump for joy. Im pretty sure I could make a successful porn site with just videos of her smoking cigarettes and cigars.
FrozenBacon said:
Also, why is opera so awesome but still filled with so many bugs? It is just tiny things like me not being able to enter text into a field, or the tabs bar having a random block of white over all the the tabs except for the selected one. Because of that text field bug I had to use IE to post this. This browser makes my eyes bleed. Why much you force me to induce pain upon myself, opera? Why?!

This isn't a problem with opera but gamerevolution. After playing with some of Opera's settings, I figured out that if you change it so that opera identifies as firefox to GR, you don't get that problem. It must be because Duke hates all opera users and tries to force firefox upon them. Haha, Duke's evil plans were thwarted! I save the world yet again.
I have a few ... when I was young my little brother would do a breath in when eating, especially with cereal, so it would be a very noticable inhale before shoving his breakfast in his mouth and I eventually I snapped.

Barely opening the pop can and sipping on it ... just open the damn tab all the way already!!! AND STOP SIPPING FROM THE RIM OF THE GLASS, USE A DAMN STRAW!!!!

When driving on the highway, someone passes me and barely gives any thought to the fact I'm still there and cuts me off getting back into the right lane. Which prompts me to then speed up, cut them off and give them the breaks.

Dumb kids.
people talking on their cell phones while i am driving them.

people leaning on my chair while i am sitting in it

people chewing loudly

high pitched voices

people that can't get off of their own lazy asses to get something

clothes on the bathroom floor

same person calling more than 2 times in the same day.

yeah... i got a lot of pet peeves.
The way the art for political commentary is all mind-bogglingly ugly. I don't care if it's a style, if I shat in my hands and plopped it on my shoulders like lacrosse pads, that would be a style. It's shitty and whoever is drawing this crap must be some bizarre breed of artist horrifically cooked up in some lab by politicians and businessmen that think they know enough about art to have it serve their purpose. And the worst part is that they're right. It's attention grabbing and memorable and all that shit that they think leads to an end but it doesn't, because I haven't read the article and I still don't give a shit about arguments I have no control over.

And while I'm on the topic, I hate people that say, at the end of how enraged I am at a commercial, that it's worked because I remember it; like they're parroting something some overconfident teacher puked on their desk in 7th grade. The commercial didn't work, because I'm not buying the product. In fact, I hated the commercial so much, I have decided to go out of my way not to use the product. How's that for a commercial working?

That turned into a rant. I'm stressed. This is a good way to blow off steam. I like this topic.

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