pc to console gamer


I give up. No way I can upgrade my crappy computer to handle these new games. And can't afford the bank it costs fo a new gaming pc.
Thinkin about a PS3 for $399. And gamefly sub for like $17/month. Anyone us them? Seems like a better way to go. No more frozen computer. I don't see any other options.

Any other PC gamers made the switch to console gaming?
Yeah it's only a matter of when.

If you see a lot of the games you wanna play on the PS3 go that way. Good if you've got a HD TV as it comes with bluray.
True. Whats this I'm reading about GTA being better on 360 than PS3? Everyone I know has a 360 but the blu-ray on PS3 sounds nice!
how bout gamefly? Seems like a good way to save some cash. anyone use them?

Psssh! If you can afford $400 for a ps3 you can afford to upgrade your old machine. I dun wanna hear any of this "PC gaming is expensive" crap. it's nothing but a bunch of BS.
Chicanauk said:
Psssh! If you can afford $400 for a ps3 you can afford to upgrade your old machine. I dun wanna hear any of this "PC gaming is expensive" crap. it's nothing but a bunch of BS.

Just for the video card. Tack on the price of a processor, RAM and possibly a hard drive, maybe even a motherboard and you're looking at around $500 from newegg for a top of the line machine that won't stay top of the line for long and will probably need upgrading after three or four years. Consoles tend to live for at least five years and some (like the PS2) go on for ten and are a one off expense.

Chicanauk said:
Psssh! If you can afford $400 for a ps3 you can afford to upgrade your old machine. I dun wanna hear any of this "PC gaming is expensive" crap. it's nothing but a bunch of BS.
Bullshit. It's rather expensive to keep up with PC gaming, and while I still try to do it, most can't afford it.
used44 said:
Plus, there are way fewer good PC games, so it's really not as worth it.

Kinda lame, but I take joy out of going back and playing games I could only run at medium-low settings and running them full power.

And with Fallout 3 and Dawn of War 2 coming... And maybe the gods will answer my prayers and make Mechwarrior 5.

on the matter of upgrading, it's the cards that need to go up up and away. I'm building a new rig, but I'm carrying over my RAM, HDs, Disk drives, etc. If you shop around you can up with 4 gigs of (good) ram for 50-60 bucks, 1 or 2 Geforce 8800's for about 300, and a killer dual core processor for 200. If you compare the cost of console add ons (50 bucks per controller...) and the games cost 40-60 bucks and rarely go on sale it all equalizes.

My personal problem right now is my ears, as I have extra sensitive hearing and I need a case that locks in the noise, I've played with 360's and PS3's and they are way to noisy.
I didnt mind gamefly but it's expensive if you want more than one game at a time. Also I never sent my shit back so I had the same game forever, so I pretty much paid for the game, then they charged me for it, full price.
To persuade you into keep playing PC games (and to avoid converting into "console-tard"), here are some suggestions/reminders for you.

-Remember that if you're going to start playing inferior versions of PC games, you're going have to shell out $60, while PC games are going cost $50.

-Since you don't have money to upgrade your computer to play newer games, why don't you spend time to play older games, as well as some freeware games (might I suggest the ones developed by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw, I find them quite enjoyable and worthwhile)? That way, you can save money to upgrade your computer.
Grey said:
Almost all good PC games get ported to console now anyway. :/

And they usually are pretty terrible as a port compared to the original PC version. Half-Life 2 for Xbox was hideous. Though, I know they are getting better with 360/PS3 ports, imagine that you have a PC that ran about $500-600. Obviously, there is so much more that you could do with a decent desktop than a console.

Not only that, but I would rather use a mouse and keyboard than an Xbox or Playstation controller in FPS games. RPG? It really depends on the complexity of the controls and how dumbed down and annoying they are in the port. Like Arx Fatalis.

I would miss PC gaming. Hey, and what about the FFVII patches that replaced the map character models with the character battle models? That made it worth playing again to see everyone without lego hands.
you know PC gaming isnt as good as it once was when the creator of the popular PC OS jumps ship too..

but FPS are always better with a keyboard and mouse...
There are many more game options for PC players too.....
I can basically play all the games, on all the consoles. Usually a year later on Halo and other Big Ticket Franchise games. AS for cost, I figure I end up paying about 500 every 5 years. But hell, isnt that about the rate of new consoles?
Plus I get a great machine that not only plays DVD, but streams video and muti-tasks.... An the game quality seems to be much better on PC. My 2 Cents. Plus all those voip features and online extras, all came first to PC.
Yep, me. You can still play MOST of your favorite games from the PC on a console. I like the console better the controller actually moves with you, but a PC keyboard doesn`t.

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