Expert Gamer


After graduating college and joining the workforce, my college gaming computer went into retirement. The computer was a six year old XPS that still had some fight left, but with years of injuries, (see internet xxx) the computer had reached old age for new generation PC gaming. This, along with a college self bought graduation PS3 present, put the final nail into coffin for the machine.

The other day, maybe 20 more or so, I set up the computer and booted up. After Steam had self updated, I clicked on CS:S, and was shocked. Steam listed all of the hours that I spent on CS:S and that number read 1042 hours. That is 43 days of straight gaming. After being mildly ashamed of that number (and the fact the I had ZERO achievements unlocked), I started to think of all the other games and the time I spent on them throughout my life.

They say that you become an expert on a subject if you spend at least 10,000 hours on the subject. With over 1000 hours just on CS:S, I am confident to say that I am an expert gamer. I can pick up any game and understand the control scheme and basic game play instantly. I have spent many hours on gaming websites reading up on games and gaming news. I currently still read up on WoW (which I no longer play) and read development news on NS2 (which I have no intention of playing). I would venture to say that the editors and many members of this site fit into my same category.

So basically, I am an expert gamer and my opinion is based on experience. I can nerd out on any gaming subject. I rock on FPS, RTS, and RPG games.

Where have you guys spent most of your time gaming?

Sidenote: Clearly I am not the best writer and have problems with syntax.
200+ hours on Team Fortress 2, 100+ on CS:S, 100+ Grand Theft Auto IV.

I really wish there was an easy way to see hours spent on console games like there is on Steam.
I've clocked in well over 150 hours in any Final Fantasy game I've played.

Not sure how many hours I spent on GTA: San Andreas but I know that after I had beaten it I continued to play it off and on for another 3 years (before I started a new game to play through the story again).
San Andreas, beat the crap out of that.

Persona 4. Beaten that to the point of no return. I've even managed to make myself invincible with overpowered persona.

Other SMT games like DS2 and Nocturne

About 250 hours in Demon's/Dark Souls

Other stuff as well.
danielrbischoff said:
I really wish there was an easy way to see hours spent on console games like there is on Steam.
Speaking of which. My Raptr feed says I spent over 120 hours Gears of War 3. I actually spent more, because I joined Raptr after purchasing Gears 3. Same with all the other games I played before, but not listed on there.
JRPG's follow them same basic structure and I've logged at least 100+ hours into each one...

GTA, Mass Effect 1 & 2 and the earlier LoZ's probably upwards of 500+ hours collectively for each series.
i didnt read your post but judging by the responses i'm gonna guess the idea of it is to post how many hours youve wasted in games.

well I would estimate that with starcraft and starcraft 2, world of warcraft, and diablo 2 combined I have lost an entire 3-4 years of my life. but i shouldn't use the term lost, as I thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing.. except for my EXTREMELY addicted World of Warcraft days. there are fond memories from it, but at the same time, it wasn't healthy.

diablo 2 im guessing i've spent well over 2-3000 hours

world of warcraft similar.

ive maintained a healthy social life through it all, the only negative is well.. i'd probably be further in life right now than i am, (though im not in a bad situation by any means), and I'm pretty into fitness and am generally very fit. but my health dipped to very poor states a couple times in the WoW addiction.

i found diablo and starcraft to be a different type of addiction. i could put it down and still maintain a normal life when i needed to. with world of warcraft, if you want to be the best of the best, it demands a LOT of your time, and at very poor hours.
I know the most time I spent on a game was WoW and that was only 700 hours. I get bored with one game pretty easily and I play different genres every week or so. Like this week I might be playing JRPGs but next week it's probably going to be mech games or whatever.
I've spent a total of between 400-500 hours on various Elder Scrolls games and about 300-400 on Forza3/4. Probably somewhere around 100 hours on minecraft. 50-100 hours on Guitar Heros, around 100 hours on the CoDs.

That's pretty much it, but i can pick up a controller or even keyboard for 95% of games and play them decently.
I've played Oblivion over 700 hours, CoD4 multiplayer over 600 hours, and I've probably played Dynasty Warriors over 2000 hours.

"All I can say is...LIFE WELL SPENT!"
Demosthenes said:
I reckon I've probably put +1000 hours into Star Wars Rebellion. And that number is still climbing :p

That game can be the most frustrating game.... extremely fun though.

I've played ~3000 hours of guild wars. 750ish MW2 on PC. Thousands and thousands more on many other games as well, I'm sure.
Holy crap I thought a couple hundfred hours were crazy but a couple thousand? Damn, you PC gamers are on a whole other level.

I should actually play an MMORPG one day. I was thinking FF14, they're $5 in Wal-Mart's bargin bin, HEY-YO!
My saving grace is that I'm not just anti social, I generally hate anything involving social commitments, which generally keeps me free of the MMORPG curse

That being said, easily 2k hours was put into EVE online... I left it when I realized calling in sick to work was a sign I had an issue, worst of all I would simply manage the coorp income and expenditures and coordinate mining operations into zero security space.. I was literally calling sick into work so I could pay to work in a game with no real life rewards...

I also tend to go hardcore into racing sims and single player RPG's, generally unhappy with less than 100% completion
Icepick said:
My saving grace is that I'm not just anti social, I generally hate anything involving social commitments, which generally keeps me free of the MMORPG curse

That being said, easily 2k hours was put into EVE online... I left it when I realized calling in sick to work was a sign I had an issue, worst of all I would simply manage the coorp income and expenditures and coordinate mining operations into zero security space.. I was literally calling sick into work so I could pay to work in a game with no real life rewards...

I also tend to go hardcore into racing sims and single player RPG's, generally unhappy with less than 100% completion

Ill be booking off Tues/Wed/Thurs when Diablo 3 is released so i get 6 days to rot and become EPIC.

edit: then when I go to work on the 7th day and come home all the people with absolutely zero other things to do will out gear me and laugh at me :( it'll be a glorious 6 days though.
Icepick said:
My saving grace is that I'm not just anti social, I generally hate anything involving social commitments, which generally keeps me free of the MMORPG curse

That being said, easily 2k hours was put into EVE online... I left it when I realized calling in sick to work was a sign I had an issue, worst of all I would simply manage the coorp income and expenditures and coordinate mining operations into zero security space.. I was literally calling sick into work so I could pay to work in a game with no real life rewards...

I also tend to go hardcore into racing sims and single player RPG's, generally unhappy with less than 100% completion

Fortunately, I've never had that problem. Just lots of free time.
As a kid I never had money to buy new games, so I have probably poured the most hours into a freeware game called Liero. I was pro with the Rifle and ninja rope.

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