Only Devoted Gamers Need Post Here!!

OK so i wanted to start this topic to see how devoted everyone really is about games. or how much you love games and what lengths you go to, to make sure everyone knows!!
so post your pictures of how devoted to games you are. this could be your video game collections, tats, framed pictures, stuffed animals, costume stuff and more.

or post a story like how you were going to have sex with your girl friend but remembered that you had a counter strike scrim match so you turned down sex to go play and when she found out she didnt talk to you for a week because she is a bitch and dosnt understand how much i love counter strike FUCK . i meen counterstrike was around before her rite? so what the fuck is her deal. anyway

so show everyone how much you love video games!!!

OK here are my contributions. First is my tattoo. its the headshot logo from CSS. then we got two very large Image files i had printed out and framed of my favorite games Earth Worm Jim and Monkey Island 2



I play a lot of video games and pretty much have a better taste in games than everyone here.

Enough said.
Wow, I have lot to show what I got in the last couple years.
First, here's my Master Sword and Hyrule Shield (do I need to name the game?)


Now here's The Conduit poster autographed by the developers. I won this from Blake's Mystery Game

Thanks again to GR, I won the "Honor The Code" box with different Mountain Dew flavors each with it's own character from Halo:Reach. It also came with White Out which this edition wasn't sold in stores. My younger brother got a hold of White Out which pissed me off.

Original Jade
That's pretty cool, eyebrows, you pretty much turned your PC boxes into a makeshift wallpaper. I also kept some of my PC boxes but lost them when we moved.
cyberjim2000 said:
That's pretty cool, eyebrows, you pretty much turned your PC boxes into a makeshift wallpaper. I also kept some of my PC boxes but lost them when we moved.


I have another...100 or so to get up, I like my PC games boxes.
I have the box from my legendary Halo 3 on the wall as a poster.

Not much else though, only stickers i have on my car are relating to car things although that would change if i could find good gaming stickers.
Nice counter-strike tattoo, only game memorabilia I have is a Halo Reach poster, though one time in a Wal-Mart I saw they had Halo Spartan action figures and I was super close to buying them but I was afraid I would look like a pedophile.
My brother's old room at my parents' house was where we hung all our goofy gaming merch and maps and whatever. At my apartment I have nothing on display really. I'll post a few pics later though.
^Wives...amirite. Speaking of which, I need to post the final products on those vintage super hero painting my wife copied.

To the PYP!!!! ...umm, tomorrow...after my kids wake up...
This is Jango and Boba Fett attacking a Chimera while Mandalore sneaks up on it and Raiho watches.

I also have a bunch of stuff from special editions, like the Zombrex pen and shit like that.

The other thing I have that I don't know what to do with is decals for FOX, Foxhound, and Militaires Sans Frontieres. No clue where to put them.

Honestly, though, if anyone else has a Raiho, they're my best friend.
Longo_2_guns said:
Honestly, though, if anyone else has a Raiho, they're my best friend.


I actually wanted this plush for a while:

But they're like 200 bucks on ebay and I'm not that hardcore.

And here's my gaming rig:

In case, you're wondering what happened. I was carrying this to a friend's house and it slipped from my hands. Concrete and PCs don't mix but everything still works.
nobody has any cool stuff from valve?? i have always wanted valve collectibles. only thing i got from them is the head shot logo tattoo :lol:
Mitchy_Slick_253 said:
nobody has any cool stuff from valve?? i have always wanted valve collectibles. only thing i got from them is the head shot logo tattoo :lol:
I have plenty of cool stuff from Valve. I bought every game they've ever made for $50 on Steam. >_>

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