
UrbanMasque said:
So... who's ready to have a reactor built in their hometown in substitute for solar?
...Anyone?... anyone..

Already do and perfectly happy with it, despite the fact it's only a couple hundred miles away from a large faultline.
UrbanMasque said:
So... who's ready to have a reactor built in their hometown in substitute for solar?
...Anyone?... anyone..
I am.

Know the last time my area had an earthquake over 6, or a Tsunami?


There's also the fact that a few reactors are still running, after surviving something over 70 times more powerful than Fat Man.
You know, equal to 336 megatons of TNT?

Remember Tsar Bomba, the most powerful nuke ever detonated?
280 megatons too small brah.

That's what those nuclear reactors just stood up to.

Yeah, lets see your pathetic little solar panels stand up to that - and then still work to produce 40,000 megawatts+ (40,000,000,000 watts)
RIP to everyone who died.

Man, every year it seems there is a horrible tragedy due to something beyond our control. Fuck you mother nature, FUCK YOU!
All I'm saying is we have to start funding solar power someday. Really get serious about it.
Or we can stick to the plan of letting other countries do it first, then piggyback on their work.
daverabbit said:
The amount of damage that DIDN'T occur with an earthquake of this magnitude is spectacular to me. Of course I am a civil engineer so the ability for man to create and build structures to withstand one of the most destructive forces of planet earth gives me a hard on.

Japan has incredibly strict building codes in place with the express intention of minimizing any damage done by an earthquake. Build something over a certain height and don't follow those codes? You go to prison. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do about a tsunami.

UrbanMasque said:
So... who's ready to have a reactor built in their hometown in substitute for solar?
...Anyone?... anyone..

I am, if it gets rid of the coal plant down the road from me.The blast at Fukushima helped prove just how safe modern (and that plant was built over four decades ago) Nuclear power plants are. The outer facade (which is just a shell to protect the containment walls from the elements) blew with enough force to take out several buildings, yet the containment walls were unaffected and the core was fine in relation to the blast, there was still the obvious shit fit it threw when it came to managing cool down. Only one fatality has been linked to the Fukushima accident, and that was an unfortunate soul who was standing way too close to the building when the outer facade blew its roof off.

EDIT: F u k u s h i m a is censored!?
That would be the 'Fuku' in it.

To get around the word filters, simply add random BBcode between them. For example, to get around it to say Fuku, i simply put "Fu[b.][/.b]ku" without the periods.

I also agree with nuclear power. It's still a metric fuckton cleaner than the coal power station roughly 2km up the road from me. And so what if the 1-in-a-billion happens and it leaks radiation?
It's better to die quickly from radiation than to die slowly from lung cancer.
I know that, I'm just surprised to see even that was censored when I thought after all these years I had a pretty good grasp of what was censored here. Christ its like the wristwatch debacle all over again.

And yes, couldn't agree with you more on Nuclear > Coal. Its cleaner, far more renewable and has many, many less related deaths (in terms of being a power source) than Coal. If hydro-electric and solar power were more efficient, I'd be all for them, but they just don't provide enough power and aren't as reliable at the moment.
And actually, the was from a coal plant - namely the coal ash - is much more radioactive than anything nuclear plants release to the environment.
Reports of another serious quake to hit them in the next 72 hours. Poor bastards man!

Something's going on here....Whitebeard lives!!!

Where are you seeing this about another earthquake? CNN doesn't have anything from what I saw....Something tells me they aren't as up to date with this as they should be. Either that or I'm blind and missing it.
CNN have been fairly behind with most of the Japan coverage over the last few days. Aside from a couple of live feeds I've had running from Tokyo, Al Jazeera have had some fairly accurate and up to date reporting. The BBC have been terrible, constantly throwing up headlines of OH SHIT A MELTDOWN with stock images of mushroom clouds.
^ Over 1,000 dead. Death toll expected to exceed 10,000.

EDIT: they just found 2000 bodies on miyagi prefecture. And 22 now confirmed to have radiation poisoning.
Death toll is almost 2,000 confirmed at this point I believe.

The threat of the nuclear meltdown being apparent is also not helping things, although at this point getting survivors is probably priority.
madster111 said:
I also love Japanese culture. Elsewhere in the world, during these sorts of emergencies you have to worry about looters, whereas in Japan you just don't.

Well you do, but only for five minutes. The Yakuza tend to show their good side during disasters such as this one. They're incredible at rapidly organizing themselves and getting aid to people quickly. There were reports of men posing as police officers in order to take advantage of women shortly after the quake. Then the Yakuza show up and all the nonsense stopped immediately. I'm not trying to glamorize organized crime but god damn those guys know how to act during a crisis.

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