Now You Know!


I thought this would be a neat idea, especially since the members here come from such diverse places and are (usually) quite knowledgeable about stuff...some stuff, at least.

Now, sure, you could just wonder around Wikipedia and the rest of the internet endlessly, but who is going to do that, honestly? This thread should instead provide a more pleasant, easily absorbed fountain of knowledge to any and all who read it.

--Here's how it works--

If you have something to add, whatever it is, make sure you label it. Or, if you're quoting someone else, be sure to include their topic at the head of the quote.

Example said:
Water Wildlife

Seahorse fathers keep their mate's eggs in a pouch on their bellies until they hatch, then they shoot the babies out at high velocity!

Simple enough, yeah? Bonus internet points if the stuff you post is either generally helpful or entertaining. People will want to read that.
On the PS2 and early PS3's, the PS symbol on the front by the disc tray is rotatable, so that it always faces up even when the console is standing.
Label that please, Longo.

Eye Health and Computers/TV

Contrary to popular belief, staring at a monitor will not cause permanent damage to your eyes. The noticeable difference you see after watching a screen for hours is actually eye strain, meaning that looking at a bright, stationary surface has made your eyes tired and out of shape.

To solve this, you should look into the distance, and shift your focus on a wide range of objects, to get your eyes moving again. Also, your eyes may be dry from the lack of blinking, so closing them and resting your head in the palm of your hands will help rehydrate them. Taking a quick walk (even just around your house) or talking to someone are great ways to fix the problem.

To prevent this, you should take at least a 5 minute break for every hour of use. 5 minutes will go by quickly if you stand up, stretch a little, go get a drink, go to the bathroom, go bug the pet, or go sit outside for some fresh air. Not only can this help your eyes, but the people around you may begin to notice that you care about yourself and the little things in life.
Light distance measurements

Light travels at about 186,000 miles per second, which is about 6 trillion miles in a year in a vacuum.

The nearest star to ours is a little over 4 light years away.
From our star to the edge of the planetary system is 5.7 light hours.
From the Sun to Earth is 8.5 light minutes.
From the Earth to our Moon is 1.2 light seconds.
The British are Liars

The large portion of the myth that "carrots make your eyesight better" can be blamed on the the British Royal Air Force. You used this to cover up the new use of radar by the RAF. It was so successful that both the Germans and the British pulic believed the misinformation.
De-Ting said:
Label that please, Longo.
Life doesn't simplify to labels.


The original Megaman game was made to be based off of Astroboy, but they lost the license on it. The same thing happened with Warcraft and Warhammer, which is why there are so many similarities between the two.

Did you know my dick is 10 inches?


FINE! I'll do a proper one!

One of the most dangerous creatures in Australia (an accomplishment - walking in the bush for 10 minutes is roughly the same as russian roulette with 3 bullets) is the Stonefish?
The most venomous fish in the world, with extremely good camouflage, you generally step on it.
It feels like stepping on a sharp rock and the venom can kill you before you get out of the water.

Fun fact:
In Australia, the smaller a spider is, the more deadly.
Spiders as big as your hands are bros. Spiders small enough for a dog to crush are evil and will kill you.
madster111 said:

Did you know my dick is 10 inches?


FINE! I'll do a proper one!

One of the most dangerous creatures in Australia (an accomplishment - walking in the bush for 10 minutes is roughly the same as russian roulette with 3 bullets) is the Stonefish?
The most venomous fish in the world, with extremely good camouflage, you generally step on it.
It feels like stepping on a sharp rock and the venom can kill you before you get out of the water.

Fun fact:
In Australia, the smaller a spider is, the more deadly.
Spiders as big as your hands are bros. Spiders small enough for a dog to crush are evil and will kill you.

No Box Jellyfish? FAIL
Human Anatomy

(This one is too good to not bring it up again.) The human fetus is first developed as female. However, if the Y chromosome prevails, it will be born male, (unless by some rare chance, the testicles do not drop from where they were originally ovaries. This makes the potential woman completely infertile.)

This means that the seam located on the male scrotum is the remnants of the vagina, and the penis stemmed from what once was the erectile tissue inside the birth canal, behind the clitoris.
Bretimus_v2 said:
The British are Liars

The large portion of the myth that "carrots make your eyesight better" can be blamed on the the British Royal Air Force. You used this to cover up the new use of radar by the RAF. It was so successful that both the Germans and the British pulic believed the misinformation.

I thought that was just to make kids eat carrots!?

Adequate sleep

After having a bad night's sleep due to a night out etc, ever had a good night's sleep straight after and still felt shattered all the while thinking, "but I slept so well!??"
Sleeping experts say that you must have TWO good nights sleep in a row to get rid of that, it's not all about give and take.

.....I'M DOING TWO!!


Tired in the day? If you drink a cup of coffee, then have a power nap for 20 minutes or so straight after, you will be up and at 'em again since it takes coffee 20 minutes to fully ingest into your system. Thus giving you that boost of energy you need.
Hiccups cure

Okay, rub the area between your eyebrows, the T-Zone area, with your finger in a circular motion, doesn't matter witch direction. I don't know why it works but it does.

Everyone knows The Simpsons had their beginning as a series of animated bumpers on the Tracy Ullman Show, but did you Tracy Ullman actually hated The Simpsons and was pulling for her friend's creation, Dr. N!Godat?
Apparently the creator worked for the National Lampoon and Tracy Ullman was really impressed with her work, pushing for more Dr. N!Godat and less Simpsons.
Whenever The Simpsons' writers would ask Tracy to come in and do a guest voice, her agent or publicist would tell them, "Tracy is very busy."

Simpsons 2
Did you know the blue hair and iconic yellow skin of The Simpsons wasn't created by Matt Groening at all, but rather by Georgie Peluse, a Hungarian worker at the Klasky Csupo animation house?
Groening submitted his work to FOX as line drawings. FOX then shopped it around to different animation studios, looking or the best price on animation. Klasky Csupo told the FOX guys that the shorts wouldn't look right as a black-and-white series and that they'd throw coloring in for free.
FOX actually had better offers from other animation studios but went with Klasky Csupo because of the free coloring offer. Had they not of gone with Klasky Csupo who knows what color The Simpsons would have become as it is agreed that Matt would not have come up with it on his own.

Klasky Csupo later went on to do the Rugrats.
If you ever wondered why the Rugrats color design looks so funky it's because it's done by the same people who did the first few seasons of The Simpsons. Black Smithers, anyone?

Georgie Peluse said:
I've seen The Simpsons Movie. It's very nicely done color wise but that's not exactly the direction I would have taken with it. It looks a little too normal. I like to do weird colors. I had Asian people with slightly green colors at the beginning. I had black people with purplish colors. I don't think it really lasted, but what does it matter what color you are? We are universal.

Simpsons 3
Because Tracy Ullman could spend up to 3 hours in makeup, the audience would get incredibly restless. So they'd play a reel of Simpsons shorts stringed together for the audience and it would end up getting the biggest laughs of the night.
It didn't take long after that.
Hiccups Cure 2: A Sticky Situation

Eat a big spoon of peanut butter and don't wash it down. Let it do its THANG.
Wow what a twist! When I saw the thread title "Now you know!" I thought this topic was going to be about G.I. Joe.

Bomb History
Fun quote: After the first atomic bomb detonating (a test if you will) on July 16th, 1945, Julius Robert Oppenheimer said, "Now I become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
UghRochester said:
Wow what a twist! When I saw the thread title "Now you know!" I thought this topic was going to be about G.I. Joe.

Bomb History
Fun quote: After the first atomic bomb detonating (a test if you will) on July 16th, 1945, Julius Robert Oppenheimer said, "Now I become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
Actually the reason he said that quote was to replace Kenneth Bainbridge's statement off the record after he saw the explosion:
Now we are all sons of bitches
Lien said:
UghRochester said:
Wow what a twist! When I saw the thread title "Now you know!" I thought this topic was going to be about G.I. Joe.

Bomb History
Fun quote: After the first atomic bomb detonating (a test if you will) on July 16th, 1945, Julius Robert Oppenheimer said, "Now I become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
Actually the reason he said that quote was to replace Kenneth Bainbridge's statement off the record after he saw the explosion:
Now we are all sons of bitches
Yes, and he (Oppenheimer) got these words by remembering them from a scripture known as Bhagavad Gita
Since I seen seen a Simpsons one did you know the actor that plays Fat Tony also played in the thinnner. And learning is half the battle

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