No Violence from Violent Games


I picked this up from another topic but I just wanna state that kids dont get violence from violent video games. If anything, its TV and movies.

I think its only the already phycho kids who have no consience that get violent from violent games. And its the dumbass parents fault for getting a 5 year old something like San Andreas.

I remember About 8 years back, A 5 year old shot his parents to death becuase it was in Goldeneye. Come on cops the kids a f***in phycho.

I used to be poor (like ultra poor and I never had anything) until my dad got a good job and when I was like 7 I played FFVII and Goldeneye. My dad told me Now Andy you know this stuff is fake right and you shouldnt do it?. And I said I know that daddy Im not a crazy person!

The only thing I ever picked up bad was an attitude from watching the simpsons. After that I grew up.

And he never got me Vice City till I was twelve because he knew I be smart enough not to repeat the shit thats in that game.

Theres so much violence on TV its not even funny. (well actually it is). All those friggin shows on YTV and stuff are violent Anime shows like DBZ. And the stupidest thing is kids arent allowed to watch porn and stuff when it is a natural way of life( except the real hardcore). They put on violent shows and stuff that kids watch but if a kid sees tits than god forbid.

Kids dont get violence from Video games only the Crazy Kids do.

I rest my Case.

Peace Out
To say a video game never imparted violence upon a mind is to say a book never imparted wisdom upon a mind.

The distinction is that video games don't cause you to be violent, just as books don't cause you to be smart.
Cowgangster said:
And the stupidest thing is kids arent allowed to watch porn and stuff when it is a natural way of life( except the real hardcore).

Ahaha. Sigged.
It's a give or take in society, sure you can say that kids are influenced by video games...but you have to say other things also influence kids, you cannot put the blame completely on the shoulders of the video game industry. Sure, in society today, we crave games the are intensely realistic and violence that goes along with it, but also in society, it's acceptable for people to allow their children to go see violent and pornographic movies, grant it, it's the parent's deicision on how to raise their children, but still, if you can say that the video game industry is the ultimate reason for violence by children, I think you have missed the point.
LetheanDreams said:
Cowgangster said:
Kids dont get violence from Video games only the Crazy Kids do.

I rest my Case.

Peace Out
ok..well define crazy kids...wat is a crazy kid? a kid that acts maybe a lil more hyper or is happy? ur an idiot for that...i kinda see that it was sarcastik...but w/e
Yes, the ways the media is attacking video game industries are definitely fucked up and backwards, but I think there is potential for someone to be affected by videogames with an end result of them going out and acting in similar manners. I think if parents are more invovled with their kids' development they'll be able to spot personality disorders and take measures to ensure the safety of that child and those he's around. I definitely wouldn't want certain schizotypal or sociopathic kids playing violent games. Because to be honest, you do gain a sense of power when you're shooting down rows and rows of people, even knowing it's all fake. Or maybe thats just me :D

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