Most Anticipated Games of 2009


OMG so much upcoming games i want!! i thought 2008 had a lot.. 2009 looks just as good!. yummy!!

My Most Anticipated Games of 2009:

10. Wii Sports Resort
09. Punch Out
08. Street Fighter IV
07. Rhythm Heaven
06. GTA: The Lost & Damned
05. HL2: Ep3 or new portal?
04. Mass Effect 2?
03. Resident Evil 5
02. Star Craft 2
01. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

it doesnt have to be a top 10 list, but i want to know what your most anticipated games are for 2009.
Black Mesa Source (HL2 mod)
Diablo III
Fable II DLC
Ghostbusters the Video Game
Half-Life 2: Episode 3
Starcraft 2
Mah boy, Alan Wake

So far nothing has really got me so excited that I went and pre-ordered it. Might get crucified for saying this...but so far I'm pretty disappointed with the '09 lineup. :roll:
I have never got so xcited that I would have pre-ordered something. Still im looking forward to:

Resident Evil 5
something something
I think that 2008 will be a hard year to beat.....and of course i'm waiting for Ghostbusters!

And Prototype and Resident Evil 5 and Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
I want Resident Evil 5, Skate 2, and Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage, The Pit, and then their third that's supposed to continue the story on from endgame. I need them now so I don't have to buy a new game and work at beating that while losing interest in Fallout
Mafia 2
Mass Effect 2
Diablo III

Alan Wake does look/sound pretty cool.

I don't think The Old Republic is scheduled to come out in 2009, Lethean.
Halo wars, Mass effect 2 is coming out this year? REALLY?
and so is CoD6!? and HL3!? pretty good lineup this year, although
I am expecting Ghostbusters and Halo wars to be a disappointment.
Final Fantasy XIII
Mass Effect 2
Alan Wake
Old Republic
Resident Evil 5
Street Fighter 4
Diablo III
Starcraft 2

Not a good line up this year? I differ. :p
Is Alan Wake really coming out this year?

My list:
Resident Evil 5
Mass Effect 2
Dead Rising 2, if it comes out
Skate 2
CoD: Modern Warfare 2 tops it. Then Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, FFXIII, Diablo 3 and GoW 3 (no, not Gears, noob.)
Heavy Rain (waiting for more info)
Killzone 2 *fingers crossed for awesomness*
Uncharted 2
fat princess
noby noby boy
prototype/infamous (waiting till reviews are in)
resident evil 5
bioshock 2
street fighter 4
bionic commando
white knight chronicles (looks neat)

and who could leave out

Kiristo said:
Mafia 2
Mass Effect 2
Diablo III

Alan Wake does look/sound pretty cool.

I don't think The Old Republic is scheduled to come out in 2009, Lethean.

Yeah...I just said it just in case :(.

If Mass Effect 2 is coming this year then that definitely belongs on my list.

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