Merry Christmas

Some T-Shirts, a cheap chinese android pad which now exists for nothing but .pdfs and some stuff for my car.

So have you visited the Mana Bar yet? Because i totally want to but can't justify the 10hr drive or $150 plane flights just to visit 1 bar, likely by myself.
I don't care if someone says "Holidays" or not. I only care when people say, "xmas." The reason, I feel people are too lazy to type/write out "Holidays" "Christmas" etc.
I got gift certificates out the Yin Yang

Resturants, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Sears, HMV, etc
I got a 25 dollar gift card to GameStop and a card with 2 dollars in it. The card said, "Howard...couldn't get much, so use these two dollars for the lottery."

I got Zelda Skyward Sword and MW3....I'm playing Zelda WAY more - just sayin'.

I got a knitted jumper, a tshirt with one of my drawings on it, a tshirt with a regular design on it, a Paul Scholes autobiography, some gold coins, some socks, a new wash bag, a new wallet, Airgear manga volume 21, De-Ting's mum, a box of sample aftershaves, the new Coldplay album, and an Amazon gift voucher.

Good year. Hope you all have a good one. ONLY 365 DAYS TO GO UNTIL CHRISTMAS PEOPLE!!

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