Make a damn minecraft server


You guys are always trying to reach out to the community, and get the folks more involved in GR, well why not make a MC server, complete with white list to prevent random asshat griefers from joining

It'd give the group a chance to play together, maybe pull a few of those "front pagers" into the community more, and you'd get yourself GR made content to show off on of the front page, made by the community, for the community. It's all relatively easy to get going, I'd host it myself but Canadian internet is a bit shitty with bandwidth caps and all

Just dont be tools and make it full of shit tastic mods or place it on creative/easy mode
You know with that winsome tone and the truly eloquent presentation of your vision, I think you'd do well in sales.
fucking accuse me of being drunk again assholes, and I'll sodomize your mothers on film while she urinates on a cherished childhood toy of yours, while I do a keyboard solo on her back
If that doesn't make you want to make a Minecraft server - I dont know what will.

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