Last-gen gaming


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What last-gen (PS2, Gamecube, Xbox, etc) game are you currently working on? I understand that this could possibly go in the Classic forum, but no one goes in there.

I've just started Indigo Prophecy. It's an old Xbox game that I never had the chance to play, but now do, thanks to the LIVE marketplace.

It's really really fun. The story is getting more and more paranormal, which could end either good or bad, but the gameplay, characters, and setting is really a lot of fun. Tyler is the shit.

PS. As the creator of this topic, I'm going to demand that you share a few words about the game you're playing, not just make a list! Boom.
I never really get tired of ATV Quad Power Racing 2 (PS2.) It's just The music, though the selection is small, is some of my favorite.
Indigo prophecy was extremely good.....though they botched the ending completely (due to lack of time) but the journey there was so worth it.
I've always wanted to play Indigo, but i've never seen it on sale.

I'm getting back into Sotc and MGS3.
Considering I only own last-gen consoles, PS2. I'm basically playing Splinter Cell Chaos Theory(felt like intense spying), Black(intense firefights), GRAW (idk why btw it has serious framerate issues), Silent Hill 2 and Resident Evil 4 (play these when I want to be scared[sorta]), killzone(it's good that's all), and ace combat 5 coz well it's ace combat 5
EDIT: mgs series(no explanation)
lokness said:
I've always wanted to play Indigo, but i've never seen it on sale.

I'm getting back into Sotc and MGS3.

It's available on Xbox LIVE Marketplace under the downloadable Xbox Originals. I think it was only $15.
right now im about half way through the legacy of kain soul reaver game for the good old DC. while its graphics and combat may be dated the epic story and great voice actors remain top notch to this day.

i'm also working on jak3 for the ps2, i shelved it for a while because i really hated the second one, i wish they would have stuck to the original game more closely but i must say i am enjoing part 3
Not last gen but last-last gen: Chrono Cross and Final Fantasy 8.

Chrono Cross is friggin epic. It's a real shame that the sequel never took off.
used44 said:
It's really really fun. The story is getting more and more paranormal, which could end either good or bad, but the gameplay, characters, and setting is really a lot of fun. Tyler is the shit.

You like it now........ Hahahaha. Wait intil you start having Flashing backs. The most annoying part of the game. Then you become spiderman. (you'll know when)
And the plot, coolness, and everything you love about the game will be crushed.

It's great game, until the end. *sad face*

I'm catching up on the God of war series. Didn't finish the second one.

:( :(

GameCube: Paper Mario TTYD, Eternal Darkness

Xbox: PIcking at Psi-Ops every now and again. Started Jade Empire again(never beat it)

PS2: Half-Life, Red Faction, Metal Slug Anthology.
Just finished Indigo Prophecy. I know what you guys mean about the ending of the game being butchered, but I still liked the overall story, and what they were trying to do. It just felt like whole chunks of the game had been cut out. All of the sudden Carla and Lucas are in love.... oooookaaaaayyy... :p Still, the game had some major hits as well. For one, the music is incredible.

I'm even more excited now for Heavy Rain. I just need a PS3, haha.
Morrowind on PC (that counts yeah?)

I'm waiting for my local EB's to get more stock of Fallout 3, and i've beat oblivion like 4 times.
Paper Mario on N64 *cough*emulator*cough*
Super Mario 3 on SNES

I just love Mario RPG:s. They are not so serious as other rpg:s and they have great humor in them. I would want to play TTYD, but I never owned a GC. Maybe I should buy a Wii someday.

SMB 3, trying to beat it as fast as possible, but in a way that I still beat every level. Always fun to play.
madster111 said:
Morrowind on PC (that counts yeah?)

I'm waiting for my local EB's to get more stock of Fallout 3, and i've beat oblivion like 4 times.

LOL. You go to EB for games?
used44 said:
What last-gen (PS2, Gamecube, Xbox, etc) game are you currently working on? I understand that this could possibly go in the Classic forum, but no one goes in there.
What the fuck? Dude, there is no possible way you can twist the world around so that the PS2/GCN/XBox qualify as Classic Gaming material...
After watching Kung Fu Panda last month I suddenly realized that I never finished Jade Empire. Decided to start a whole new character called Chingchong Dingdong. I really hope it gets a next-gen sequel like they keep promising it will.
masterchris said:
used44 said:
What last-gen (PS2, Gamecube, Xbox, etc) game are you currently working on? I understand that this could possibly go in the Classic forum, but no one goes in there.
What the f***? Dude, there is no possible way you can twist the world around so that the PS2/GCN/XBox qualify as Classic Gaming material...

I know, I was just saying, like... them boundaries be ill-defined. Don't worry about it.

Also, I said no lists, assdicks!

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