L.A. Noire


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Quick topic for anybody playing L.A. Noire like I am. General impressions?

I'm on what I estimate to be me fifth or sixth Homicide Desk case, and I'm loving it so far. I really like the linearity and the story structure. A very grown-up game that's not afraid to let you fail or flounder.

PS the guy who plays Courtney (from the newspaper flashbacks) looks like a young Crispin Glover.
I do love using evidence on a person. I just started disc 2 and I'm quite enjoying the game. Like I said before, Cole Phelps makes me lol when I hear these fast and quick accusations. Remember on the first mission when he looked at the blood splatter and said, "Looks like the victim was put against the wall and had his brains shot out" That was pure laughter for me. Also when Nick Tan commented on his Phelp's handwriting in the game was pretty humorous too.
Guh, I hate when I only get 4 stars on a mission I could have 5 starred only because I crashed my car a few thousand times too many. Haha.

Just promoted to Vice. Going to bed.
used44 said:
Guh, I hate when I only get 4 stars on a mission I could have 5 starred only because I crashed my car a few thousand times too many. Haha.

Just promoted to Vice. Going to bed.
That's why I ALWAYS have my partner drive.
Driving's really fun though. I like responding to street crimes, and just generally living in the city. They've done a great job recreating 1947 Los Angeles. It's neat. Lack of highways is killer though! I let my partner drive occasionally, but sometimes I'll tell him to and he'll start to go to the driver's door and accidentally walk into a mailbox and forget or whatever. The amount of times I've peeled out without my partner > the amount of times he's driven.
used44 said:
Driving's really fun though. I like responding to street crimes, and just generally living in the city. They've done a great job recreating 1947 Los Angeles. It's neat. Lack of highways is killer though! I let my partner drive occasionally, but sometimes I'll tell him to and he'll start to go to the driver's door and accidentally walk into a mailbox and forget or whatever. The amount of times I've peeled out without my partner > the amount of times he's driven.

Lol I know, I think one time I think my partner was taking a smoke break and I'm like wtf, cause he wouldn't get in the car eventhough I was already in it. When I finally got to my destination, bloop, he was right there with me in the car for a scene.
I figured out the best way is to get in the car like normal, then get out, walk over to his side and hold the Y button, he'll scoot over and drive.
I came close to getting it the other day...But my current backlog is too big to really warrant buying a new game other than an occasional exception.
used44 said:
I figured out the best way is to get in the car like normal, then get out, walk over to his side and hold the Y button, he'll scoot over and drive.
Are you kidding me? The best way is to just hold the freakin' Y (or Triangle) button. If the destination is already set the guy will drive there automatically. If it's not, you'll pull up your case notes and select a destination from the list.

I can't imaging playing the game the way you described it. I haven't driven anywhere I wasn't forced to.
Lol I think he was literally taking a smoke break. He was still at the crime scene across the street and I could have sworn he took out a pack of cigarettes.
You guys make me jealous, I only have a bleedin' PC. Why the fuck can't rockstar release their fucking games to fucking PC?
Just finished L.A. Noire, and one thing completely urks me.

When you go around doing Side-Missions, if you wreck your vehicle: You lose the ability to find the side mission you were going to. Which means you have to re-load the Free Roam, and drive across town again to get to it. And sometimes it will just disappear from the mini-map completely, never to be seen again unless you reload.

Damn Glitches.
It's good until I have about 8 beers, then I have to stop. Playing L.A. Noire, not drinking. Usually I'll play Mortal Kombat for the next 4 or 5 beers. :wink:

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