I'm back faggots

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Prison couldn't hold me, well county lock up, and I guess it did technically hold me, but I'm out now, and on a mission to pork stab all the questionable pussy I can find, so lock up your mothers!

what have I missed, apparently nothing besides you tool boxes arguing over super heroes.
Thanks for coming by and giving us a brief summary of where you were. Now how the f*ck did you get locked up again?
Welcome back Icepick. Good to hear from you again.

I kinda wanna know how you ended up in lock up, if you're willing to share the tale?
Re: I'm back nice people

Icepick said:
Prison couldn't hold me, well county lock up, and I guess it did technically hold me, but I'm out now, and on a mission to pork stab all the questionable pussy I can find, so lock up your mothers!

what have I missed, apparently nothing besides you tool boxes arguing over super heroes.

i NEED to know why you were locked up... like I desperately want to know,.
Why do people say "don't drop the soap"? Is soap really that slippery and hard to pick up in prison? I mean I've dropped it plenty of times in my home while in the shower and I've always been able to pick it up with ease.

Maybe because many men share the same shower somone would steal it? Oh my wouldn't that be awful, I can't imagine anything worse than some huge muscular man stealing my soap.
Wait, Himashi is making a comeback too? All we need is GhostTrip and Lethean to go back to White Rabbit and it's a celebration bitches.

Party it up like it's 2006 motherfuckers.
-Listen to Pussycat Dolls
-Watch Boston Legal
-Make a Wii avatar and actually give a shit
-Riot because Pluto is no longer a planet
-Riot for the sake of rioting because we are on the internet and on the internet we are fucking babies
-Makes jokes about what an idiot Bush is.

Awwwww yeahhhhh
Okay, I'll stay this time.

Where is Dave Matthew, flying chunky monkey, ACEC, KBB or whatever he changed his name to? That british asshole that made fun of my chubby cheeks, Jared and his down with the clown friend, dobby, bubbles that chick from australia? stalfros, derrekk, nes man, krowsnose, ghostrip,firewall, link, SILVER KNIGHT, that kid shane, who when registered here was legitimately like 7 years old hahah holy shit ETC ETC ETC..

Jesus christ I feel like I could go on forever, any of these people still here? :(
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