I like to pretend.


So you'll notice a lot of first person shooters these days have implemented the regenerating health technique. The first time I really noticed this way of health loss and regain was when I played Halo for the original Xbox console. The game implemented this feature very smartly in my opinion as you were wearing a suit that had immense power and armor structure just to name a few things. I liked how you did have health though, that's what still made it believable, because when your shield was down and trying o regenerate you had to make sure as shit you weren't taking much damage or else you would lose health bars which would eventually lead to your ultimate demise. Problems I am having these days with the whole regenerating health is it makes less sense than actually having a health bar.

You take a bunch of bullets like the sponge you are, soak them in like the terminator as you find a place to hide and voila you are back in the game in 5 seconds or so 100 percent. In my opinion its just a lazy way to make a health system these days so I pretend that in these games that when you die it is from just one bullet.

Let me explain why, because if you think about it it would make more sense that when your are being shot and your screen is growing ever so red it is because you are in the danger zone and bullets are very close to you (but not hitting you, even though they actually are in the game, that's where the whole pretend part comes in) signaling that you will be hit with a bullet soon and die which is when in reality you have taken 30 shots. I know it may not make sense to everyone but hey I'm trying.
Health regen is there to keep the pace of the game so that you won't have to find a health pack. While a health bar is there so that if you fuck up you won't have to restart the level.

Oh, Delta Force, you are so brutal with your no health bar/regen system. Rainbow Six and SWAT was the same way. Pretty much if you take a full AK burst to the torso, you're dead.
...ok. If you play a game on the hardest difficulty does it not kill you instantly when shields are down after one shot?

I like games that let me sponge bullets, because I suck at video games.

PS - you're not black.
I like to pretend I'm an astronaut battling aliens. With shields.

Health regeneration is when games got ridiculously easy. What was once an anxiety attack on the NES/SNES as you tried to stay alive until the next health pick up is now a simple "Oh I'm shot? 'Scuse me while I hide behind this rock. Dum-de-do, ok I'm cool."
cyberjim2000 said:
Oh, Delta Force, you are so brutal with your no health bar/regen system. Rainbow Six and SWAT was the same way. Pretty much if you take a full AK burst to the torso, you're dead.

I was playing Delta Force: Black Hawk Down, and Delta Force: Team Sabre not long ago. Both of those have health bars, which can be regenerated with health packs. However, if you get shot, you're often fucked because the health bar is so minuscule that it only really helps you if you just get winged (at least on the higher difficulties). So, in that regard it's pretty realistic.
I don't know, it's about as realistic as running over a magic box with a + sign or a piece of chicken, and suddenly being healthy again.

Video games are funny. Would it make more sense if you had to visit a medic and sit out while the game goes on without you every time you get substantially injured?

If it's just a matter of being challenging, then there's plenty of older games out there that do just that, and even some new ones like Resistance 3.
I like to pretend it's a video game and know factually it could take at least one bullet to die IRL.
I like to pretend my Jesus as a figure skater who does interpretive dances of my life.


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