How much?

Some and then some more.

The consoles alone (ps3 fat at release, slim after it died and 3ds) rase it up to a thousand. But I've been "smart" with my game purchases and bought the lot on sale or used.
Too much, but i want to point out, in recent years, my spending went down and yet my gaming hours went up. Seems the past years it's cheaper games by the hours now.
Definitely well into the thousands; maybe even millions, or, dare I say.......

3000 - 4000$ STEAM is the primary culprit I really want to get to 1k games I am close to 800 right now.

PC hardware - Upgraded to a 970 GTX

The PS3 will be my final console, I spent way too much on that pretty unspectacular machine I am selling the games away one by one.

3DS I bought for monster hunter but it is just too easy compared to the PSP version I have about 5 games on the 3DS thinking of unloading it too.

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