Games cost too much money

People like us who know our way around a game deal online or whats good in the bargain bin will always get what we want for as cheap (or free) as we can. But thinking about the wider marketplace of plebs it's shaky ground.

Music and movie services increase in quality and affordability, stopping just short of free blow jobs, while the current trend with games is 20 patches and DLC which translates to 'broken' and 'incomplete' to them, they don't care about the budget. Their money will go else where and so it should.

Why bother paying top dollar for a sub par product when you can get 'Angry Birds up in Uranus' for a dollar off the app store to shut up your heathen child for an hour. It's the same thing to them.

You just have to look at rhythm games to see the self immolating greed the games industry is capable of. They really could have made a sustainable business model there instead of jumping all over each other to stick it into us like it was vatican blood orgy.
Well, that's how it is. People are free to spend whatever they feel like even if it produces crap that people pretend to boycott or petition. To me, I'm glad there's a lot of crap like that out there because it makes finding those gems that more valuable and special.
I only ever by 1 or 2 games at full price each year. Everything else, I get at bargain prices from Amazon and Steam sales. I just don't have the income to justify buying games at full price, and honestly, a lot of them aren't worth it anyways.

Besides, with how little time I have for games these days (no thanks to school), there's no reason to buy games brand new, since I probably won't get to it for a while anyways. I have plenty of backlog to wait to buy the next new thing.
I just buy used games from the previous gen, with a few new here and there. Highest I've paid in a while was $25.

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