How goes the gaming?


How goes everyone's gaming experiences as of late?

I start school tomorrow, so I'm sure it's going to be limited...but here's how I've been going lately.

Just beat FFXII last night, so I'm gonna set that aside for a bit...before that was a ton of Madden.

Next up: Replaying FFX, Max Payne 2, and then probably go backwards through a bunch of final fantasies on top of that...I wanna finally get Half-Life 2 as well, maybe some other older stuff I missed out on.
There is none....I got nothing to play man. I've played out all my stuff and now theres nothing to do but squander time in Oblivion. Boring.
beat postal 2 oh hestonmode, now playing morrowind on my comp cause of lack of anything else to do. my ps2 burned out so no GH or GOW2. 360 got stolen, so i have oblivion sitting here just gathering dust. kinda bleak, seeing as right now im not playing anything that came out before 2004.
I am trying to actually beat Halo 2. The last few times I've attempted I was killed by the monotony.
ive been replaying my ps2 games and working on saints row but its boring having to do an activity everytime so i can do a mission. Plus i have no money to buy games..
None lately. School takes up all my time. I have been playing Twilight Princess but I haven't played in a long time.
Borrowed DMC3-Special Edition from a friend a while ago, so I've been trying to play it so he can have it back as soon as possible. Haven't played for couple of days, but I guess I should... But It's almost finished now.

Other than that, I haven't really played in ages... I have many games 'in progress', but don't feel like playing them. But they're there whenever I feel like it.
currently playing GTA on my friends PSP at school, replaying Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones for Epmraim's side of the story, Final Fantasy IV again and quite possibally Gunstar Super Heroes( in i can beat that Super Thunder level on Hard Mode as Red)
and Curse of Monkey Island
I've probably played four or five hours of Metal Gear Solid 3 in the past month. A little Test Drive Unlimited on the side, but that game sucks so hard on the PS2.

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