Final Fantasy Topic

FF7, 8 and 9 are my favorites, I love all three equally and after I'm done with Skyrim I plan to replay FF9 just for kicks......... Or will I replay FF8? Hmmmmm....... I honestly didn't think FFX was all that good and I couldn't get into FF13. Starting out the story seemed confusing and I honestly had a hard time following it (I don't know why). The combat seemed cool and fast but I still think the combat of FFX and FF games before it were better
TheJx4 said:
How was Dirge of Cerberus? I always see it in Gamestop....

I have a Final Fantasy game somewhere in my PS2 collection, it sucks ass. Had a weird combat system too.

Dirge is... average. I know if you haven't played FF7, there's no reason to get it.

... and your mom is a terrible battle system.
cyberjim2000 said:
TheJx4 said:
How was Dirge of Cerberus? I always see it in Gamestop....

I have a Final Fantasy game somewhere in my PS2 collection, it sucks ass. Had a weird combat system too.

Dirge is... average. I know if you haven't played FF7, there's no reason to get it.

... and your mom is a terrible battle system.

I'm not really into FF story wise. I've only played a few of them.
12 is great, I was never a huge fan of turn based combat systems and I liked how 12 changed it up and was based in Ivalice, which is the setting for my other favorite FFT. I really like 7-9 as well. 10 had it's good parts but the linear set up took away from the FF feel.
Ivalice is the best but 12 and 13 still suffer from the gambit combat system. FF is about classic turn based combat, to me.
Ivalice is the closest thing to a continuity for Final Fantasy in terms of world and lore...other than references through enemies and blimps and Cid...

The Gambit system is ok though. It's basically an early and unpolished version of the tactics system in the Dragon Age games, something you see a lot of now in RPG's.
7-10 are the best FF games.

12 and 13 have their pros and cons. 12 has some great dialogue while the dialogue in 13 can be over-the-top cheesy.The characters in 12 are much better but the story in 13 does a better job at bringing the party together as a team. In 13 they're all in this together while in 12, Vaan and Penelo are just going along for the ride. The pre-set Gambit battle system in 12 was boring and tedious when trying to level up while the ATB in 13 was fun.

And the whole "13 was too linear" is bullcrap. Every FF game except 11 and 12 were linear until the world opens up. 10 didn't even open up until the very end of the game. And 12 wasn't very open unless you wanted to quickly get killed by enimies you aren't high enough to fight.

12 and 13 are both good games, it just comes down to a matter of taste.
so awesome this topic was made when it was, i finally got my ps3 controller to work on my phone, currently have FFIII, and FFT working smoothly. currently trying to get FFVII and FFIX going on it. may also try seeing if FFVIII and FFX work on it too! happy days happy days!

get the tv adapter in the mail in the next few days and can now use my phone as a portable NES - PSONE emulator! woot woot! nerdy goodness!
Bretimus_v2 said:
Is it me, or does somebody need to learn the definition of "final"? amirite?

Sakaguchi had a good reason to call it 'Final' Fantasy. You guys should check out the Final Fantasy Retrospective on A great watch, and it's extremely well done. The others are worth a look, especially the Zelda one. The Arkham Asylum one isn't video game related, but still really cool. I highly recommend checking them out.

Here's the link to part one of thirteen for Final Fantasy (this is by far the longest retrospective they've done, and one of the best ones): ... tasy/22250

P.S: They explain why he called it 'Final' Fantasy
What are you using, exactly, Daddio? Like what phone, emulator, and program to use the controller? As someone who travels a lot this interests me greatly.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Isn't it just an Engrish thing. Like Final in the sense of Ultimate?

Becaaaause (like you'd see in the retrospect) Final Fantasy was supposed to be the last game from SquareSoft. But it was so damn good that it saved their buisness so they continued the franchise and made another 13 games (did anyone even play 14 LOL) plus all the side quest games.

If I could place the games from best to worst it would go...

10 > 8 > 7 > 9 > 6 > 12 > 13
FrozenBacon said:
What are you using, exactly, Daddio? Like what phone, emulator, and program to use the controller? As someone who travels a lot this interests me greatly.

I got the Galaxy S2X from Telus (same as T-Mobile), you need to have your Android rooted in order for it to work.

You need 3 apps to get the controller working on your phone once it's rooted.

Sixaxis Compatability - checks to see if your phone is compatible to run the app, certain ROMS don't work currently, I'm using the Juggernaut 4.0 ROM and it works great.

Sixaxis Pairing Tool - once you run the compatability app it will tell you what MAC you need to set your controller to. Connect controller to PC via USB, run the Pairing Tool and then change the MAC Address. Then while still having Compatability up, it will search for the controller and tell you if it works.

Sixasis Controller (Pay) - the controller app itself you need to pay $2 for or something, turn on the controller, run the app, and eventually the 1P light will show up on the controller.

The apps I use for emulators;

FPse - Playstation One
N64oid - N64
Nesoid - NES
Snesoid - Snes

Obviously I don't know how 'into' all this you are, when it comes to rooting phones etc (if you even have an Android), but if you have any questions I will try to answer them.

Also don't want to hijack the thread, so if you want to know more we could just start a new thread under MISC
^That post is now irrelevant (to me at least) because I now have an iPhone. :P

Anyway, I just gota PS3 for half price and started playing FFXIII. I'm only about 3 hours in the game and I am really enjoying it. One of my major gripes in final fantasy is how slow and tedious battles can get. The fast pace and quick thinking required for fights in this game is just what I always wanted. I squealed like a little school girl once the game unlocked paradigm shifts. My only complaint is that they are a bit too easy, I get 5 stars nearly every time. Hopefully this is because I am at the start of the game (a little bit in lake bresha).

I also played a bit of FFIX (brought it off the PSN as soon as I got my PS3). I really am liking the story of it, but put the FFXI play through on pause until I finish FFXIII.
I'm actually in the middle of replaying 13 and it is indeed a good game. The characters are pretty horrible though. With the exception of Lightning and Sazh I dislike everyone in the party. Well, Fang isn't so bad.

When I'm finished I plan to play 13-2 because the demo felt like an improved and polished 13,
I just can't get into the Gambit/Paradigm system, at least not for an entire game.

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