Final Fantasy Fighter (Dissidia)


I thought it might have been a baseless rumour, but it was said on a Japanese blog that the recently revealed Final Fantasy Dissidia at the SquareEnix party thing would be a "3D fighting game featuring characters from the Final Fantasy series." Turns out the rumour is not so baseless:

Supposedly, characters will come from FFs I-IX. NOmura is handling the designs.

Characters so far:

FF1: Fighter, Garland
FFIX: Zidane, Kuja

I have to say that a -proper- -good- 'Final Fantasy Fighter" has been something I've been wanting to see since, oh, 1994 or so (hence, Ergheiz doesn't count). This is also the only one of the new properties unveiled that has any interest to me except for Crisis Core, which already has it's own thread, so I decided to create one for Dissidia.

Wow this could be...really awesome, but I hope if they are doing this that it is done the right way. I wonder how they will approach selecting characters, because there are so many to choose from. This could be like super smash brothers good.
I don't know...

This could be a great game, but it could also flop big time. Other games that try to be crossovers of this usually fail big time, but, I will hold judgement until I play it...if we ever do.
LinksOcarina said:
I don't know...

This could be a great game, but it could also flop big time. Other games that try to be crossovers of this usually fail big time, but, I will hold judgement until I play it...if we ever do.

I can think of a better and probably more spot on reason for it being a flop. How many times has Square made a non RPG game that worked? Only a fraction of non-rpg games released by Square have been of great success. Im curious how Squeenix will handle this.
hmm your right alot of non RPGs FF they made sucked like dirge of cerberus yes imalways gonna mention that.
Um... Yeah, it's been done.

I still have my old copy, not too good at the fighting part but the RPG part of the game is pretty good (if you're into randomly-generated dungeons, that is).

(edit: Whoops, i didn't read far enough into your post to see that you already credited Ehrgeiz. My bad. >_<)

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